Living for Jesus Can be Messy

In yesterday’s blog entry I wrote about the Church calling the world to come to Jesus. This doesn’t mean we sit in our nice air conditioned buildings and wait for people to come to us. No, Jesus said to go and make disciples. He is asking us to go about our every day lives listening to and doing what Jesus says. As we do, we will come into contact with those who don’t know Jesus; and thus, we should “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)
This can be very messy, though. Jesus prayed for the disciples in John 17 that the Father would not “take them out of the world” but rather that the Father would “protect them from the evil one” while they lived in the world. We are not to live like those around us, but we are to be a light while being in the midst of them. We are not to hole up in our buildings, hoping people will come to church. We are to enter the buildings of those who need Jesus and then invite them to come to Jesus.
This means we will be around people that among other things don’t look, act, or think like us. It also means we will come across evil, which is why Jesus is still praying for our protection today. This is why living with our biblically-based truth filter in the “On” position is so important. We have to use the FREEdom process to not only be unaffected by being in their buildings, but to also be ready for any and all opportunities to share our Jesus stories, the reason for your hope, while we are in the building. This past week I was ready on two occasions and on another I dropped the ball. I’m getting ready to head into another building, pray for me. It’s messy out there.

Set “FREE” Nowww

3 thoughts on “Living for Jesus Can be Messy

  1. Thanks for all your faithful ‘sharings’…I appreciate them and their challenges and examples and Scriptures.

  2. Thank you Chris,
    Very succinct in pulling the truth of God’s Word together in a truthfully practical application.

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