God loves it when we are satisfied with Him.
“It’s my life.” How often do we say those words? As a believer in Jesus, though, is it your life?
Think about that for a minute. It was your life before you came to faith in Jesus. Recognizing that truth, you must now ask, “What was my life like when it was mine?”
In all honesty, if your life was humming along based on your efforts and reasoning, you’d probably never have recognized your need for a savior and turned to Jesus in the first place.
Yet, it was only as we realized that our lives were not working as we’d hope; or, our reasoning came to the conclusion that we were missing something, no matter how “good” we may have had it, we turned to Jesus. He alone brought wholeness/salvation to our brokenness through His death on the cross.
And not only does He now own us, but He also becomes the missing puzzle piece that guarantees true life today and throughout eternity. He alone does this, not me or I.
The moment I put my faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior, it was no longer my life, but His life. Today, however, it’s all about my life, my body, my truth, my thinking, and my choice, even in His Church!
Yet, Jesus didn’t say to His followers, “Hey, do whatever you feel is the right thing for you.” No, He said, “Why do you call me ‘Lord’, but don’t do what I say?” (Lk. 6:46) There is no wiggle room nor my in that sentence.
In fact, He goes onto to give us the why of doing what He says: He is preparing us to successfully handle what only He can see – tomorrow’s storms.
He earned the right to tell us what to do. So, be careful of your pronouns. You become what you focus on – His life or my life? The seal in the picture got it. Hopefully, you and I do too.