“I know all the moves anyone can make, including yours.” – Jesus
I recently made a trip to Tennessee for my aunt’s funeral. The Lord used both she and my uncle in making a huge impact on my life. After arriving at the airport, I hopped into my rental car and took off for my destination…after, of course, putting the address into my GPS.
What I didn’t realize was that I landed in Nashville at rush hour! Yes, Tennessee has rush hours; and of course, everyone blames Californians for it. LOL.
What should have been a 50-minute drive turned into almost two hours! Ugh, not something I wanted to experience after flying cross country.
Yet, my GPS gave me options. One, I could stay with what I knew – the freeway, which I had done before to get to their place. Or, I could step into the unknown by choosing to leave the freeway.
Both would get me there. One was safer because I knew it. Did I mention, it must be the right option because a whole lot of others took it as well? And one was faster though unknown. I chose the latter. And come to find out, it was much more enjoyable. I saw a whole lot of the beautiful Tennessee countryside.
We all face traffic jams in life. Sometimes they are of our own making and sometimes not. We can stick with what we know or go to the One who sees beyond the car in front of us – the unknown.
The Spirit may want us to leave the traffic through making course corrections that lead to knowing and loving Jesus more. Or, He may want us to stay in the traffic due to a nasty accident ahead where people will need your help, which also leads you to knowing and loving Jesus more.
My first impulse was to get off the freeway, which was my way. Your way might have been to just sit it out in traffic. Either way, we would be taking our way – the known, something we are comfortable doing.
Yet, our known leaves us unchanged; thus, we can find ourselves in the same traffic filled challenge over and over again until we choose the unknown path of following the Spirit to life change. His unknown way leaves those particular challenges behind so you can see some great countryside scenery that leads to a very peaceful feeling.