I received one of the best compliments a person could ever receive. “Chris, you’ve changed. Before you would have been ancy and frustrated. This time, however, you handled it much calmer.”
This comment came from my wife. The challenge was that my blog’s been down for a month. Since January 16, I was given the “wonderful” opportunity to practice what I’ve been preaching. God can change your life if you use the tools He’s given you.
Each day I couldn’t write I focused on the truths the Spirit gave me. God would fulfill His purpose for my life, not me. Jesus was in control of my future, I wasn’t. The Spirit knew what was behind the delay, I couldn’t. The Father is on the throne, I could never be. I could go on, but the challenge presented an opportunity to let the Spirit replace my “type A” behavior with Jesus. It feels so good!
What’s interesting is that I didn’t even know the change had taken place. In my case, those around me would have had to deal with the “old Chris’” reaction to the situation. It took someone else to see Jesus in me, which is what we want right?
The Word and Spirit of God work! I ask you to praise God for what He’s done in my life, which He can do in yours as well. If you’re currently going through a challenge stop and praise God for it. If you put the tools into the Spirit’s hand, Jesus will shine through you too.
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Monthly Archives: October 2010
Practical Redeemer
“Only God truly knows your full potential. Your past does not limit your future.” Sounds kind of cliché doesn’t it? It’s not when you come to grips with the truth that Jesus is a Redeemer.
Christ came to set you free from your past no matter what it is (Gal. 5:1). Let the Spirit unleash the “new creation” He made you to be (2 Cor. 5:17) through putting the biblical Set Free Nowww tools into the hands of the Spirit. You can personally experience a wondrous life in the present and a bright future for tomorrow the further you get from you past by getting closer to Jesus.
“S”et Free Nowww
View Yourself Biblically
Albert Einstein said, “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it’s stupid.” Pause for a minute and think about that statement. How you view yourself has a tremendous impact on not only how you view your daily life, but how you respond to it as well.
This is why the first daily processing tool is about who we are – Secure because I’m God’s child. Nothing we did, do or will ever do, can alter the Father’s love towards us because of what Jesus did for us on the cross and by coming back from the grave. “In Christ” is a key Scriptural truth. Jesus holds us in His hands. He gives us the ability to stay in God’s presence where the good stuff is found. He tells us that we’re children of the King, which makes us princes/princesses. He gave us value – we are loved. He gave us significance – every day we can do the good works He created us to do. He gave us security – nothing can separate us from His love.
You’re not a fish or a stupid head. You’re a magnificent, wonderfully made child of God. Now, go and live like it today.
“S”et Free Nowww