I was asked a most interesting question. “When we put our faith in Jesus, we’re forgiven. After that, are we on our own?” The question arose as to what is the proper behavior for a child of God.
I took this person to Hebrews 10:14 and read, “By one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.” I asked, “Is this a contradiction or a truth to live by?” The passage says we are both perfect and are in the process of being made perfect at the same time.
The moment we place our faith in what Jesus did for us – the sacrifice – we are made and seen by God as forever perfect. Yet, we can still make mistakes as become more like Jesus. In the process of being made perfect, God knows all the mistakes we will ever make and still loves us as His perfect children. He’s telling us to stop focusing proper behavior or doing the right thing. Instead, He wants us to love Him by listening to and doing what Jesus says each day, which in the end will make us like Him. Don’t just say no to something, say yes to who Jesus is today.
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