I woke up peacefully this morning singing in my head, “Holy is the Lord / Holy is the Lord / Righteousness and Mercy / Judgment and Grace / Faithfulness and Sovereignty / Holy is the Lord.”
I was reminded by the Spirit that He wrote through both Moses and Peter to be holy because our God is holy. Holiness must be important if the Spirit wrote it on both sides of the Book.
Holiness, however, seems to be getting a bad rap lately. Some Christians say we should only focus on grace. As if we can do whatever we want to do because we’re covered by it. Remember this truth though, “There is freedom of choice, but not in consequence.” Sure we are free to do what we want, but we become whatever or whoever we choose to focus on.
If we choose to focus on sinning because it’s all about grace, we’ll sin, which in turn leads us to our drugs of choice and out of Jesus’ presence, where real life and the good stuff is found. Not being holy only hurts us!
If, on the other hand, we choose to focus on Jesus, who is holy, and on making holy choices through His Spirit we’ll experience victory over our drugs of choice and stay where the good stuff is found – His presence. We win!
What’s cool is that the Spirit also wrote that we can make holy choices because we are holy (Heb. 10:14)! Because that’s true stay focused on Jesus and His holiness. You’ll be glad you did.
Now back to the music, “Holy is the Lord…”
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