The bird’s hungry. It sees the cashew outside its cage. It wants the cashew, but can’t reach it. So it picks up a stick and drags the cashew closer so he can satisfy his hunger.
David writes that his “soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods” when he seeks the Lord (Ps. 63). Jesus is that cashew that can fill your soul’s hunger. But you have to pick up and use your biblical tools (Set Free Nowww) each day to draw closer to Him. You can look at and want that cashew all you want. You can even pray for that cashew to all of a sudden appear inside your cage. God may choose to do so, but what if He doesn’t? Will you starve and get mad at God or pick up and use your biblical tools to get closer to Jesus?
The peace and satisfaction, the cashew, you’re so hungry for are not out of reach if you use your Spirit given tools. They can’t pick themselves up, though. You must choose to use them each day by faith. What tool will you use today?
“Set Free Nowww”
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Our Own Peace Keepers
Comic strips often contain kernels of truth. In this particular strip, the main character, Danae, is resting against a tree when a friend walks-up and asks, “Wathcha doing?” She responds by telling him, “Shut up and mind your own stupid business!”
Taken back, he says, “Well, excuuuuse me!” “No,” she replies, “that’s what I’m calling my new peace movement. We wouldn’t have any problems if everyone just kept the junk inside their head from spilling out.” True, but the junk does spill out.
Those around us can and will do dumb stuff to us and we have absolutely no ability to stop them. The only thing we can control is how we filter that stuff using our biblical tools to listen to and follow Jesus no matter what is said or done to us. We are the keepers of our own peace.
We can be at peace in stressful situations because we’re in relationship with the Prince of Peace. We can live in His presence and enjoy calmness, despite what’s going on around us, if we would only process each situation through our biblical filter. Your peace is up to you and the choices you make, not the choices made by others.
Set “Free” Nowww
The Big Picture
I read Psalm 66 this morning. “Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Say to God, ‘How awesome are you deeds!’ Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.”
I saw God in all His awesomeness yesterday. I saw someone, who struggled with a decision, slow things down. Listen to Jesus. Then follow Jesus. The result was that Jesus’ supernatural love flowed through them (they had no love for the person they had to face), and a whole lot of lives were touched. Our God is indeed awesome. I was looking at a changed life. I saw Jesus in them. I experienced the power of God right before my eyes! I’m still high off the entire episode.
Let’s not lose the forest through the trees. Daily living is about Jesus, not us. Daily choices are about following Jesus, not ourselves. As we do, our character will be replaced with Jesus’. Bingo! Big picture accomplished.
So you’re ready to share in your Bible Impact Group, take a moment right now and praise Jesus for what He’s already done for you. By remembering what how far He has already taken you, you’ll be standing on solid footing when He asks you to trust Him with the next step you’re to take.
So please, if you would, let me in on them by leaving a reply. I’d love to hear some of your praises!
Set “Free” Nowww
It’s Time for a Brain Workout
I love it when people start exercising either by going to a fitness center or by hitting the road. I know exactly what I’m going to hear the next day. “Man, I thought working out would make me feel energized; but I ache in places I never knew existed before!” They’re feeling the affects of making their muscles get out of and go way beyond their comfort zone.
Walking with Jesus is an exercise of the willing. If we want to follow Jesus we have to get out of our comfort zones and exercise some faith. We have to believe the truths Jesus tells us. Yet, how is it that it is far easier to listen to the negative voice in our head than to the voice of Jesus? We all know it’s true.
So it’s time for a little brain workout. Let’s practice listening to the only voice that can lead us to victory over our drugs of choice – Jesus. Start exercising the next time a negative thought pops up in your head. Grab it. Exchange it with the truth. (If you haven’t put that truth in your head yet, now’s the time!) Then act upon that truth. The more you exercise your faith in Jesus’ voice the more you’ll experience great tasting freedom.
Remember, you will act consistently with the way you think. It’s time for a brain workout.
Set “Free” Nowww
Relinquish Control
Ever had a day where your schedule was blown to pieces? Appointments go longer than expected. Unscheduled, though important, calls must be taken. Projects sent that must be handled now rather than when it’s convenient. Get a brain cramp that makes doing a certain task take even longer than planned.
Today was one of those days and I loved it! I had such peace in the midst of every single “set-back” I faced. I knew I was doing “the good work” that my God had created me to do long before I was ever born (Eph. 2:10). Yes, I still have “stuff” on my to-do list that needs to get done as I write this blog. Yet, I’ve got a smile on my face and peace in my heart.
This is made possible only by knowing who and whose I am. As a child of God, I don’t get my satisfaction from accomplishing the items on my to-do list. I get it from filtering each situation through Jesus and then following Him. Should I stay? Am I supposed to take this call? Can I put that project off to later?
The more we rest in who we are and trust Jesus the more we can give up the illusion that we’re in control of our lives. I choose to give Jesus control over my daily schedule because I love and trust Him. He is my Shepherd, who can talk with me throughout my day. He is my Redeemer, who can make time stretch. He is my Savior, who can save me from the stress of an undone to-do list, which can lead to taking my drug of choice.
It truly is freeing to relinquish control.
“S”et Free Nowww