Vigilance to the Process

broken fenceI saw a fence just like the one pictured here. The owner of the home started out with a beautiful white fence in front of their home where its cross beams were inserted into the posts. Yet, I saw four white beams with one end inserted into a post while the other end was on the ground.
I’ll bet the owners were totally jazzed when they first put of this fence. They beamed with pride as their fence looked so good. But over time, without proper maintenance, the law of physics did their work. One by one the beams ended up on the ground due to weather conditions.
The law of physics comes into play with our walks with Christ as well. If we fail to stay focused on Jesus by using the process to become like Him each and every day no matter what time it is, our walks will also begin to fall apart.
Jesus said to be on the alert. We have an enemy that wants us to destroy our lives. And without proper vigilance to the process of life change, our lives will slowly fall apart. Bible Impact Groups are a tool to prevent such deterioration. They are not an accountability group to stop sinning. They are people holding each other accountable to the process of life change. BIGs promote vigilance to using your biblical tools. For without it, your life will fall apart just like that fence.
Set Free Noww“W”


resting“Now we who have believed enter that rest.” (Heb. 4:2) As I researched the word “rest” throughout both sides of the book, this is what I came to discover. One, the word means to stop working or to quit. Two, it means to trust in the promises of God. In Israel’s case, could He bring them into the Promised Land? Could He get them home? Some didn’t and rebelled by doing their own thing (wouldn’t stop working or quit their agenda) and ended up dying outside the land (Ps. 95; Heb. 4). Three, it is where Jesus will ultimately establish His throne (Ps. 132:14).
Rest for the believer today is the promise of life change. Do you believe that only Jesus, not your efforts, will make you closer to and more like Him, the One who holds all the good stuff you’re looking for in life? It’s as you focus on the truths, not your efforts or the lies in your head, the Spirit gives you that will bring you the life Jesus came to give. When you do, you will worship at the throne of Jesus.
If you want to live in freedom, it’s time for more faith, not more effort. Today ask the Spirit to increase your faith.
S“E”t Free Nowww

Tortoise Protection

TurtleOne fighting formation the Roman army used to defeat their enemies was their human tank called the “Tortoise” formation. This formation provided protection from arrows finding their targets as they knew their fellow soldier’s square shaped shields would protect them as they moved forward in battle.
Our archenemy, Satan, shoots deadly arrows at us. Who has you covered? The moment you became a believer in Jesus you were placed into a family of fellow soldiers. Just as it meant extra work and possible death for the Roman soldier to go into battle alone, the same result awaits the believer who thinks they can be victorious in the battle without their fellow soldiers.
“If we confess our sins one to another and pray for each other so you will be healed (victorious).” (James 5:16) Right now pray for your BIG partner’s victory. While you’re at it, please pray for mine as well. The battle’s raging right now.
And if you don’t have a BIG partner or someone who is praying for specific victory in your life, more power to you. You’re going to need it.
Set Free Noww“W”