I was reading the comics yesterday where the main character answers the door dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his waist and says, “Could you come back at a more opportune time?” The person who knocked was carrying a suitcase that read, “Opportunity.”
We often think the phrase “opportunity knocks” is about being ready to take advantage of a good situation when it presents itself. Though this is true, I’d like to put a different spin on it.
How about being prepared for when opportunities disguised as challenges come your way, are you ready to use them to become more like Jesus? Great opportunities may never come your way, but challenges certainly will.
Use your FREEdom process to practice exchanging your “have to obey” mentality with an attitude of gratitude. Remember, we don’t have to do anything for Jesus, but we have the awesome privilege of doing what we do with Him. We get to walk and talk with the King of the Universe wherever we go throughout our day!
As we practice making this exchange, we’ll be ready for all the opportunities that come our way to draw closer to Jesus – the great ones as well as the challenging ones. I know. I’m experiencing the later at the moment; and I’ll tell ya, peace sure feels good.
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