Why does God call Himself Yehovah or I AM? Cutting to the chase for today’s entry is this: He lives in the now, not the past or the future. Yes, another title for Jesus is “I am who is, who was and who is to come.” Yet, time has no limitations on God as He created it and lives in and outside of it at the same time. Go wrap your head around that one.
Yet for today think on this: He is. He lives in the now and teaches us to do the same. Why? To do otherwise gets us into deep trouble! Psalm 37:8 states, “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret – it only leads to evil.” The word for “fret” here means getting all worked up by focusing on what you can’t control – the actions of others – past, present or future.
Life is not about living, but a series of opportunities to choose to enjoy your walk with Jesus today as you become more like Him. You can’t control what others do or don’t do, but as a child of God, you do control your choices whether or not to trust Jesus.
Verse 9 goes on to say, “Those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.” Victory over your drugs of choice, peace of mind, feeling wanted, doing something significant and meaningful with your life, or whatever it is you’re searching for in life can only be found by placing your hope in the fact that God’s way of living will pay off in the end.
Life is not about what is coming next. This mind sets only leads to trouble in the present. Practice living with Jesus, the great I AM, by focusing on Him and putting His truths into action today.
“S”et Free Nowww
Yearly Archives: 2014
A Work in Progress
After years of fighting it, I’ve finally given my daily schedule to Jesus. When I got back from vacation, I stopped living by my set of to-do lists. Instead, I’ve been asking Him each day to put my daily task list together.
This has been both frustrating and freeing at the same time. Jesus said His yoke is easy. Meaning, what He has for me to do each day can be done for and accomplished with Him. My list often leaves me harried and extremely frustrated as it always seems that I have more tasks than day to get them done.
His list is freeing as there is always enough day for the tasks – even with the interruptions that come along – that He has for me. On a practical level, as I’m learning this lesson, you might not receive these insights into God’s life-change process either on Facebook, my website or in your in-box from Monday to Friday as planned.
Yesterday was a prime example. Due to all my discipleship appointments – both scheduled and unscheduled – my day shot by before I could blink. It was an awesomely rewarding day, full of significance, minus the frustration. And yet, I literally didn’t have the time or energy to write and publish.
I’m being transparent here. Please forgive me as I continue to remember that I already am complete/significant in Christ. It’s a process to remember that He doesn’t need me to do anything for Him to be significant, but I’m already significant as I do everything I do with Him. Thanks for understanding.
Set Free No“W”ww
Victory Tastes Better than Defeat
I’ve tasted the goodness of the Lord! But I’m getting ahead of myself here.
My wife and I moved our daughter to her new home for the next nine months last Wednesday. We then moved our son to his new home for that same period of time this past Saturday. For a guy who loves being a dad with his kids at home, this has been a pretty emotional week. Then this past Monday I was hit with another challenge, which opened a door so wide that truck loads of my drugs of choice (where one turns to meet one’s needs) could drive through.
Herein lies the praise. I slammed that door shut in the Spirit’s power! I never turned to my drugs of choice during this entire time. Instead, I tasted and know from experience that the Lord is good.
I’m reporting to you today that the Bible is true and Jesus really does work in the real world in which we live. Now go ahead. Make your day. Taste and see that the Lord is good for yourself. Victory tastes oh so much better than defeat.
Set Free Now“W”w
Give Yourself Time to Grow
Enjoy this song and remember: It takes time to retrain your brain!
Set Free “N”owww
You Are Significant
“You’re going some where today.” “You are who you are, why not be who you are where you are?”
We all want to lead significant lives, to do something that will impact our worlds for Jesus – today and tomorrow. This can only be done by being the person God created us to be, not by trying to be someone we are not. If we try to copy others we’ll end up feeling like failures, which opens a door for our drug of choice to walk through.
You will be going some where today, why not make a difference by simply being who God made you to be – a secure child of God. Hey, if Jesus could use two fish and a few loaves of bread to touch thousands, just think about the power of your surrendered life in His hands?
“S”Et Free Nowww