This is funny…in a comic strip, but not in real life. Yes, there is freedom in choice, but not in their consequences. Yes, we will be forgiven for our sin, but that doesn’t mean the consequences of that choice come rent free here on earth.
This is an excellent example of abusing, not using, God’s grace. 1 John 2:1 states, “If we sin” not “when we sin.” We don’t make mistakes because we know we will be forgiven. We strive to exercise the truth in each situation we face knowing that if we fail, we’ll be forgiven.
When we decide to fail, we are purposefully hurting ourselves as the consequence of that choice brings shame, guilt, fear, anxiety, broken relationships, etc. with it. These consequences all stem from the choice to disconnect from the very source of everything we need – Jesus.
I encourage you not to live with the mentality of this young man. Getting closer to Jesus should always be our goal while using, not abusing, grace as the tool to do it.
S“E”t Free Nowww
Yearly Archives: 2014
Let Belief Lead to Action
There’s a gut check moment in the movie The Patriot. In this particular scene a young woman is standing in the midst of a memorial service to friends killed in the American Revolutionary War. She challenges the men of the congregation to act upon their beliefs. The US Continental Army was raising a militia and was asking these men to join.
She pointed out each man’s stated principles about freedom and how far they said they were willing to go to get and keep that freedom. It was then she said, “Is it now that your efforts are needed most that you stop merely at words? I am only asking you to act upon the principles that you hold so dear.” One by one, including the minister, these men rose to their feet, left the church building, saddled their horse and rode to join the fight.
I believe the Spirit is asking believers in Jesus to act upon their beliefs and join the fight today. Our brothers and sisters around the globe, especially right now in Gaza, Israel, Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan, and Syria, are being affected by war or war-like situations, some simply because of their faith in Jesus. Some are losing their lives, livelihoods, dignity, homes, jobs, countries (to stay would mean to be heavily taxed or killed by the sword) and/or courage to hang tight in the midst of it all.
Do you believe prayer (talking with God) can really change things? If so, it’s time faith translates into action. Will you pray like you’ve never talked to God before? Serious prayer, not before you eat your meal type of prayer. We’re facing real spiritual warfare. These people are being harmed simply for their faith in Jesus. Will we join the fight with and for them, at least on our knees? Ask the Lord to give you insight or what to pray about and then enter the battle for our fellow brothers and sisters.
Do you believe in the power of one – where one God can use one person to accomplish much? If so, it’s time for faith in action. Spread the word about what’s happening to our brothers and sisters to those in your congregation or “friends” on Facebook, Twitter, and emails. Ask them to at least join you in prayer.
Do you believe in a Sovereign God who can take you home when and where He decides? It’s time to put your beliefs into action. If God lays a certain country on your heart or know of ministries in these affected areas, ask Him what you’re supposed to do about it. Even ask Him if you’re supposed to go and be a source of encouragement…in person!
It is time to exercise the truth of what you say you believe. Let God use you to change a life, at home and around the world.
Set Fre“E” Nowww
Security is Foundational
The Secure because I’m God’s child biblical tool is foundational to every decision we make throughout our day. If we boil all our decisions down to one driving force it’s this – happiness. We all want to be happy – to feel good about ourselves and the world around us. Where we turn for that happiness then, is crucial to how secure we’ll be.
This is born out in the Imposter Syndrome. It’s a phrase coined in the 1970’s by researchers from Georgia State University. It describes a person, who although has garnered much success, feels that all could be lost in the blink of an eye. A very successful woman exemplified this when she said, “I can speak in interviews so confidently, but I have days when I come home and say ‘I am terrible at my job. Why can’t I work at Starbucks and have my 9-5 job and come home and not think about it?’”
Success based in insecurity leads to an unstable world. It’s been said, “Ego can drive us to places where our character can’t handle it.” How many “successful” people climb the hill only to throw it all away – either because they didn’t feel they deserved it, their character flaws were terribly exposed or the top of the hill simply left them empty?
The foundation upon which your “success” stands is crucial. Is it you or Jesus? It was Jesus who said that if we build our lives upon Him and His teachings, our lives will be built upon a secure foundation – one of rock not sand. We are truly secure when we know who are – secure children of God – and where we go to meet our needs – Jesus. Therefore, living each day with the truth that I’m a secure child of God is foundational to all our decisions.
A secure child of God listens to Jesus because they love Him and trust His judgment on all life’s issues. A secure child of God follows Jesus every day everywhere because they realize only He can meet their needs. When a secure child of God listens to and then does what Jesus says they will experience joy (a happiness that goes beyond circumstances) regardless of how their decision turns out. Their success is now built upon Jesus, the Rock. He deserves the credit. My flawed character is exchanged with His solid character, which brings satisfaction both here and later.
My friend, today, burn who you are into your heart and mind: a secure child of God because of what Jesus did for you, not what you do for Him. Keep listening to and following Him and that secure foundation only gets more solid – no matter where you work for a living.
“S”et Free Nowww
Practicing both Perfectly and Imperfectly
The first ever Fail Forward conference was held earlier this month in Toronto. It was all about “tearing off the shame like a BandAid.” Each participant was given thirty seconds to share their failure story. Then they spent time answering, “How are you better off for that having happened?” and “What are you going to do with that?”
Kind of sounds like what the Bible commands us to do (James 5:16) and what’s done in a Bible Impact Group, doesn’t it? Funny, how the work world is finally waking up to the real world God created and then has spent thousands of years redeeming: We were created with the ability to choose rightly. Once Adam and Eve blew it, God covered them and continually covers us through Jesus’ death and resurrection so we can continually get up and walk with Him now, today and throughout eternity.
Paul writes in Philippians 4:9, “What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” This word “practice” means to do repeatedly or habitually. This can mean mistakes as well as victories in forming Christ-like character.
Peace comes from doing it right. Hiding out of fear of rejection when we do wrong only keeps that peace from coming back. It eats you up from the inside out and gives your opponent an instrument to attack you with.
Stop hiding and take away his weapons in your life! Get rid of the shame of defeat through confessing to Jesus for forgiveness of sin and confessing to another believer for prayer to see your life changed. Here on this planet you will practice both perfectly and imperfectly at times. Keep getting better with practice!
Set Free N“O”ww“W”
Healthy Choices
Richard Wurmbrand (Tortured for Christ) once said, “Whenever we came across a repellent sin, we did not sit in judgment. We considered how we might cure the disease. A good tailor never throws away a scrap of cloth.”
We all make bad choices – some worse than others, but bad nonetheless. Rather than kill ourselves or others over it, we must learn to learn from those bad choices. Use the FREEdom process to get at the lie, the root of the disease, and apply the medicine of biblical truth, which will cure us and others from making that terrible choice again.
Wurmbrand also said, “Be zealous in thinking what is right and true, and you will not need to run away from sin, for sin will run away from you.” Focus on keep healthy and it’s hard to get sick. Keep in mind: life is a series of opportunities to choose to get closer to Jesus. What will your choices reveal?
Set “FREE” Nowww