It’s Your Choice

change choicesA key question to ask is, “Do I really want to see my life changed or simply made comfortable?” I’m not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but the entitlement idea – someone owes me something – has crept into the American church.
The truth is that God owes me nothing. I owe Him everything. The truth is that others can’t solve my problems for me. I have to take responsibility for my own reactions to life’s situations.
I have to take responsibility for what’s already in my head, no matter who put it there. I have to take responsibility for what’s trying to get into my head as well; because the truth is, we are who we are today because of what was put into our brains yesterday.
What are you going to do about it? Whine about how it’s not your fault? Does it matter? It’s still there. It’s time to take responsibility for the life Christ has given you. There is forgiveness when we repent, but our choices today still affect our tomorrow. We can either own up to our Christ-given ability to choose to listen to and follow Jesus or we can choose to let someone else control us.
Who would you rather have control your life? It is indeed your choice and your responsibility. Choose wisely my friend; your peace today and joy tomorrow depend upon the choice you make.
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Hand Over the Stick

give me the stickLast time we talked about the truth that Jesus took what I deserved in order to give me what I didn’t deserve. He took my beating I deserved for the sin and stupid decisions I make.
Since this is true for both me and you, why do we beat ourselves up when we blow it? Our enemy is already laughing at us, why give him more to laugh about?
The next time you mess up, don’t waste time beating yourself up. Jesus already took your beating. Rather, spend time thanking Jesus instead. It will do your attitude good.
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Appreciative Tears

happy tearsI couldn’t hold back the tears. The truth of Isaiah 53:5 continues to affect me at the oddest times and places. “Jesus was pierced for my transgressions, Jesus was crushed for my iniquities; the punishment that brought me peace was on Jesus, and by Jesus’ wounds I was healed.”
My drug of choice taking caused a spear to ram into His chest. My attempts to meet my needs my way caused the weight of the world to crash down on His shoulders and separate Him from His Father. My negative attitudes resulting in less than stellar choices caused Him to be stripped to the waist and whipped beyond recognition. My hurtful words were justice meted out as men repeatedly punched His face.
Jesus took what I deserved in order to give me what I didn’t deserve. He bore the brunt of my selfish stupidity so I could have the possibility of a better life both now and forever and of experiencing a kind of peace that defies circumstances. This is what caused me to tear up this afternoon and say, “Jesus, I sure do love You.”
I personalized this verse. Maybe you should as well. If you do, you might want to have a tissue or a dry corner of your sleeve ready just in case.
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Stop the Bouncing Balls

brain hurtI’ve sensed the Lord wants me to follow up yesterday’s blog with this: What in the world is going on inside your head? Or more accurately, what in the world are you allowing to bounce around inside the walls of your mind?
A good friend of mine once said, “You are the instrument of your own wreckage.” Another posted this quote from D.L. Moody, “I have more problems with myself than with any other man.” Ring true in your life?
Sometimes the biggest voice in my head is mine. This morning I was driving to an appointment when my mind drifted down a path it didn’t need to go. Literally, the Spirit piped in, “You’re a child of God, right?” Yup. “Then I wrote to tell you that you’re complete in Jesus. Why waste time on a path that takes you away from what you already have in Him?” I threw out that bouncing ball.
I’ve heard countless stories where negative thoughts wash over a person’s brain that can’t be discerned as to what triggered them. But all of a sudden, the person has quite a few bouncing balls in their mind. As the sound gets louder, their joy exits and desire to quit living for Jesus grows in strength.
We don’t always get to choose the balls that bounce in our heads, but it is our choice whether to let them keep bouncing or not! We can cut down on the head noise, if we choose to replace the lies (bouncing balls) with the truths God’s Word gives us. As we do, peace will reign (Is. 26:3). If not, peace destroying drugs of choice will start bouncing.
You are God’s workmanship and He doesn’t make junk. So, stop talking junk about yourself to yourself and start focusing on the truth you’re a secure and valuable child of God through faith in Jesus!
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Deal with Your Drug of Choice – Now!

worst enemyI opened my morning paper today to dismay and disbelief. “Mr. Padre” and all around good guy, Tony Gwynn, died yesterday after a bout with cancer. It appears that his drug of choice killed him.
The article stated, “Even while battling cancer, Gwynn talked of how strong the craving for ‘chew’ (aka smokeless tobacco) could be.”
In a 2011 interview, Mr. Gwynn said, “It’s probably the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with. The cravings are still there. I’ve had to try and fight them.”
The article ended with this, “Maybe that will be one of Gwynn’s last and strongest messages. Hopefully anyone using smokeless tobacco, or thinking of trying it, will pay careful attention.”
I also read the following quote today from someone who didn’t even know about Mr. Gwynn’s passing, “You are the instrument of your own wreckage.” Though I am a die-hard LA Dodger fan, I’m going to miss “Mr. Padre” from San Diego. Hopefully, we’ll all hear his last message loud and clear: deal with your drug of choice now or you could pay a heavy price later.
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