Reason, not React, to Life

Focus on JesusSometimes the situations we face seem minor while others seem quite major. How we handle the minor ones determines whether they will become major or not.
How so? We often handle the minor ones on our own and run the major ones by Jesus. There is one problem with this line of thinking – minors can lead to majors if we’ve not trained ourselves to filter all decisions through the FREEdom process.
Christ-like character (aka new godly habits) is formed by reasoning life through scripture, not reacting to its situations. As you’re in the Word listening for the lie-fighting truths Jesus gives you, you’ll be able to see life through His eyes. With each choice to exercise that that truth through the Spirit’s power, you’re forming Christ-like character, a new habit.
If you merely react to life without reasoning it through Scripture, how will know that the minor decision you made didn’t let a lie squeeze through a gap in your filter, which can lead to major bad habit later?
Jesus ran everything through His Father (Jn. 5:19). If trusting ourselves forms the bad habits, shouldn’t we follow His example to keep them from forming in the first place or overcoming them once there? Learn to reason life through scripture, not react to its situations.
Set “FREE” Nwww

The Physics of Life-change

change is processGet sick? Go see a doctor for 15 minutes or less, who prescribes a pill. Got a problem? Watch a TV show that will solve it in 22-24 minutes, depending upon how many commercials they can sell. Hungry? Get fast food (whether it’s healthy or not is altogether a different story). We live in a fast paced society that wants answers and solutions…yesterday.
We can’t let that mentality creep into our thinking when it comes to our walks with Jesus. God laid out the physics of nature. If He chooses to override it, it’s called a miracle. Understand, though, miracles are by definition rare. If they were every day occurrences, they would be part of the physics that run the planet. If walking on top of the water happened everyday, we wouldn’t need flotation devices!
God also laid out the physics or process of life change. I believe it to be the Set Free Nowww process. As God, He can choose to override that process at anytime. The truth, however, is that the magic pill is rare. The everyday reality is that God wants us to exercise what Adam and Eve didn’t – to love Him enough to choose to listen to and follow Him wherever we are (Jn. 14:23).
Need your life changed? Pray for the pill, but start lovingly trusting Jesus today by choosing to use your biblical life change tools. Your life will be changed every time you do. And by the way, relax. It takes time to retrain your brain (Rom. 12:2)!
Set Free “N”owww

Timeless Eternity Today

timelessSomeone once said, “Hold everything earthly with a loose hand; but grasp eternal things with a death-like grip.” Time is earthly. It’s a physically created property, which ends when we leave this planet. Its final demise comes with the new heaven and earth.
Some try to take possession of time by cramming lots of stuff into blocks of it with the hope that their existence on this planet will have meaning, that they will have left their mark on history, a measurement of time. There are those who squander time knowing that how they live on this planet will never be remembered anyways, so why care about it in the first place. And finally there are those who use time somewhere in the middle of the two.
Jesus said He is the beginning and the end of time (Rev. 21:6) and to rest in Him (Matt. 11:28-30). He never said that we’d sit and do nothing; thus squandering our time on this planet. Neither did He say that we’d work our hands to the bones trying to meaning from life through lots of activities. He did say that His yoke is easy and His burden light.
We are to live each day in His presence, the true meaning of resting in Christ. We are to enjoy Him as we do the “good works” He created us to do each day from eating breakfast in the morning (1 Cor. 10:31) to praising Him as we head off to sleep at night (Ps. 63:6). He doesn’t need us to do anything for Him. He wants us to do everything we do with Him.
We can never possess time, but we can let Jesus possess us. What we do with Him each day, no matter where we find ourselves, has eternal, or timeless, value today. Learn to live with Jesus today, not for Him, by using your biblical tools to let go of the earthly to hold onto the eternal.
S“E”t Free Nowww

Faith Works

faith worksSomeone tweeted this to me today, “Jesus is the reason why: in pain, I smile; in confusion, I understand; in betrayal, I trust; and, in fear, I push forward.”
If this is true in your life, it means you have a faith that works in the real world as all those things happen in our day to day lives. If not true, could it be that you have a Sunday only faith that needs to expand to Monday?
We live in enemy territory where our smiles can turn in to frowns, confusion can make our eyebrows turn up, betrayal can rip out our hearts and fear can make us cower. Don’t let this happen! More of these situations will come your way. Using your biblical tools today to process life through the victory fighting truths the Spirit shows you gives you the ability to live out what you believe today and tomorrow.
Let’s show those around us that Jesus is making such a difference in our lives that they can’t help but ask, “What makes you smile when you’re in pain, remain calm when confused, stay strong when betrayed and push through your fears?”
Set Free No“W”ww

You’ve Been Changed Today

thinkDo you realize that you’re being changed everyday you live on this planet? Whether it’s good or bad is up to you.
This is true because of the wonderful brain God gave you. It collects all kinds of data through your senses that will eventually come out in your behavior, which if repeated, will change your character (Rom. 12:2). You’re being bombarded with daily messages from talk radio spouting their opinions, from advertisers selling their product that will bring satisfaction you’re looking for, from news writers filtering the news through their worldview, from Facebook chatter and Twitter feeds, from TV shows and movies telling their stories, and on and on it goes ad infinitum throughout your day wherever you go. I didn’t even mentioned what you say to yourself!
The crucial question is, “What are you doing with this data?” Your brain can’t ignore it or block it out! Unless you filter it out, the incoming data will affect you. You don’t always have a choice over what you hear, but you do have total choice over what you will do once you hear it. Talking to the radio is not a bad thing. Nodding your head to the lyrics of song is a good thing. Stopping the movie to talk about what went on is okay, especially if it’s a children’s show!
If you want to change for the good, which means becoming more like Jesus, you need to constantly filter this data through the truths of Scripture. You’ve got to let Jesus wash your brain of the lies that are in and/or have already entered your brain (Eph. 5:26).
I greatly encourage you today, in the Spirit’s power, to use the FREEdom process Jesus gave you in the Scriptures. As you use do, it will wash out the lies and reinforce the truths that will set you free to enjoy true satisfaction – one that starts today and lasts forever – a Christ-like changed life.
Filter or not to filter, that’s your choice and that choice today will affect your life tomorrow – good or bad.
Set “FREE” Nowww
If you want to know more about the FREEdom process or can’t remember how to use it, get the book, More Than a Sunday Faith, to learn or refresh your memory.