A good friend of mine broke her upper arm, which required surgery to repair. The surgery was a cake walk compared to the physical therapy sessions! It almost seemed like her therapist was getting too much joy out of torturing her.
This wasn’t true of course, but it sure felt like it. The therapist knew the only way to get the arm back to normal was through the discomfort of the exercises. If not, the scar tissue from the surgery would severely limit her patient’s future mobility. My friend had to push through today’s pain to experience the pleasure of using her arm at full range of motion and strength tomorrow.
The Spirit of God can use today’s painful situations to make us stronger tomorrow. We have a choice. We can run from the pain by turning to our drugs of choice or work through it by picking up our biblical tools in the Spirit’s power. Pain is never pleasurable until it’s over, but pain is never gone until it’s worked through.
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11)
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Yearly Archives: 2014
Using, not Losing, Power
One lesson we tried to teach our children was to turn off the lights when they were done using a room. At the beginning they would ask, “Why?” Our answer was, “Do you like going to the pool when it was hot outside?” Of course they did. Well, we only had so much money to spend. Did they want to spend it going to the pool or leaving on the lights? You know the answer.
Each day, we only have so much energy to get closer to Jesus. Would you rather use that energy defeating your enemy or wasting it on self-doubt, past/present failures or hurts, worry, or a series of other energy wasters?
Scripture tells us that God loves us…period – no ands, ifs or buts. It tells us who we are – secure children of God. It reveals that we’ve been given everything we need to experience life to the fullest in Christ, right now. It gives us the tools to listen to and follow Jesus, who gives us the ability and strength to work through any issue.
Why waste time on who we’re not in order to get something we already have because of who we already are in Christ? Use your Spirit given energy to move closer to Christ, rather than waste it on going backwards or standing still.
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Who Are You Watching?
You’re an expert now! Mike, a friend of mine, heard this just after finishing a motocross (motor cycle) race. Last year Mike was in the beginner class and had just moved up to the intermediate class. There were jumps and speeds that still unnerved him.
In this particular race, Mike was dueling with another rider. If he tried to pass, the other rider would move in front of him. If he tried to speed up, the rider in front would hit the throttle as well. This went on the entire race. He was never able to pass the other rider, who eventually won.
Mike was exhilarated over the race, but disappointed he hadn’t won. His disappointment soon changed. An expert rider, who was watching the race, came to congratulate him on his times and asked if Mike was racing the following week. Mike said, “I’m not in the expert class.” Come to find out, this duel pushed both riders to cross the finish line in expert class times!
Mike was so focused on the rider ahead of him, he forgot all about his speed concerns. His fears weren’t present because he simply kept his eyes on the front rider.
Hebrews 12:2, “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith.” You stay focused and keep acting on the truths Jesus gives you and your life will be changed. You become what you focus on and what you focus on gets bigger. Who are you focusing on?
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Who You Listen to Is Your Choice
Isn’t this true? When you want your drug of choice, it all of a sudden appears, seemingly out of nowhere! Your enemy is not stupid. Just as we have angels helping us (Heb. 1:14), our enemy has helpers as well (Eph. 6:11-12). He’s watching your life waiting for opportunities to help you to fall. And just as Jesus can speak to you (John 10:27), so can your enemy (Mk. 5:9).
It’s our choice who we will listen to – Jesus or our drugs of choice. Keep walking and talking with Jesus everywhere you go. And when your enemy wants to break into that communication, don’t answer! Don’t even let him go to voice mail.
You are a secure child of God who is sitting Jesus’ lap at the right hand of God right now. You have the power to tell him to shut up and get right back to talking about your day with Jesus. Choose to keep listening to Jesus. He is friend.
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An Aromatic Approach to Stinky Situations
“I won’t let it define who I am, and I refuse to allow it to consume me.” How’s that for an awesome attitude from a 16 year-old recently diagnosed with cancer?
Her parents are right there as well. “The human thing is to go down the darkest roads and start to think about the worst possible scenarios. You just stay off those roads and do everything possible to remain positive.”
I don’t know whether or not this family believes in Jesus. Their story should be a testimony to all of us, though. Our circumstances – past, present or unknown future – don’t define us. Jesus does. We are secure children of God, who have a choice how we approach each day – victorious through it or victims to it?
“Death where is your victory? Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jesus took the ultimate lousy day and turned it on its head. Circumstances for the secure child of God don’t have to be rosy; how we approach them can be.
The same Jesus who rose from the grave, lives inside you. So rejoice my friend, despite your circumstances, because your Lord is near.
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