Thoughtful Conversations

listen 2WARNING: STOP READING IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE GOD SPEAKS TODAY. I realize that some of my readers may not believe our God speaks to His children outside as well as inside His words on the pages of Scripture. If you don’t, please come back tomorrow. If you do, keep reading.
It took place this morning during my Bible Impact reading time. I was in the middle of the next section of Scripture on my Read the Bible in a Year schedule, which was Ecclesiastes 1-3, when it happened. God started talking to me big time; so much so that I opened my journal to write it all down. He didn’t stop for three pages! I needed to hear every word of it too. Afterwards, I went back to my reading and continued listening to Him in the Word.
A fellow pastor called this contemplative prayer. I call them thoughtful conversations. It’s a type of prayer where conversation goes both ways – between the person and God and between God and the person.
I believe our God wants to talk with His children. And when He does, we end up hearing exactly what we need to hear. Sometimes He speaks wonderful words of encouragement, while at other times His words are full of correction. Either way, I am so glad He does. This secure of child of God grows closer to Jesus because of them.
My next book, “A Personal Walk in the Presence of Your God,” is about the subject of God talking with His children. I pass on some very important lessons I’ve learned about how to better listen to and follow Jesus every day everywhere through prayer walking. You can reserve your copy today by emailing me. My email address can be found via the Resource tab – Contact Info.
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Something only Comes from Something

farmlandLook at the photo clearly. There is freshly tilled dirt next to growing plants. The entire field was plowed into rows. The brown rows are getting water just as the green plants to the left are. Yet, only one has growth taking place. The difference? One was seeded and the other one wasn’t. Something doesn’t come from nothing. Add seeds and you get something.
Believers can have their fields plowed through life’s challenges. Believers can watch the Spirit work in the lives others. But if those same believers haven’t planted specific truths from the Word of God into their lives – something doesn’t come from nothing – no growth.
You might have the greatest and most valid reasons ever for not reading the Word. Remember, though, something doesn’t come from nothing – nothing in, nothing out.
Want to see your life changed? Listen to Jesus in the Word. Want to experience the peace of God? Plant specific truth seeds into your brain. Something only comes from something.
If you’re making excuses, ask the Spirit to show you what’s behind them so He can begin to help you erase them using the FREEdom process. If you’re not in a BIG, ask the Spirit who He wants you to be accountable to life change with. If you don’t know where to start reading, download the Read the Bible in a Year schedule and start putting something into your heart and head.
As you do the above, you will taste and see that the Lord is good from the crops of your own field.
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Tale of Two Stories

alone togetherMy heart broke and rejoiced today. It broke when a dear friend said they didn’t need others to be more like Jesus. They were simply not ready to be transparent with another believer. This caused great sadness because I knew their chosen path was not going to be a pleasant one.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. Woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Later, as I was heading out on my prayer walk, I heard the Lord say, “Stay home. Work on your Hebrew.” Really Lord? “Yes, really.” Ten minutes later I knew why. Another brother called. He was battle fatigued and wanted to put his shield of faith down. He got the encouragement he needed to keep going.
“Encourage the fainthearted.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14)
One person was afraid of transparency while another embraced it. One person was heading in the wrong direction. The other was encouraged to keep going in the right direction. Which story reflects your life?
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Can I Get a Little Perspective Here?

perspective thoughtI heard a story once about a person who had locked their keys in their car. Their cell phone was running out of juice and the company they called for help couldn’t find them. After two hours of this total frustration, they finally thought to call the local fire department. In less than 15 minutes after their rescuers arrived, the keys were back in their hands.
This person thanked the fire fighter profusely and said, “This was one of the worst days of my life.” You can relate, right? You’d probably rate this up there on your frustration list, especially if you were on a tight schedule.
The odd thing about it is this: the person who locked their keys in the car had been home from an actual war zone, where they had experienced much worse, for less than two months! They are in the military.
Seeing the horrors of war and locking your keys in your car? Hmm. I think it’s time to apply our biblical filter. I remember reading a story about a Holocaust survivor. They would tell each other each time something bad had happened to them, “Well, we’re still alive and it can’t get any worse.”
Perspective. Can we get a little of it today? It will make you very thankful for what you have, closer to Jesus and away from your drugs of choice.
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