Looking Forward to the Possibilities…And It’s Only Monday!

endless oppsSomeone once said, “Don’t let your future be based on yours or someone elses past.” The only good that can come from looking back is to give and/or to get forgiveness and then learn from it. Don’t let yours or others past mistakes affect your present.
It’s a new week. Look forward to how you can spend it with Jesus. See it for the many new opportunities to choose to express your love for Jesus. Focus on the truths the Spirit gives you from the Word to experience Jesus show up in your life and to achieve victory over your drugs of choice.
You don’t know how our week will unfold. You do know, though, who’s in charge of the unfolding. Choose to keep listening to and following Him and come next Sunday, you truly will go to a celebration service!
Set Free N“O”www

Squeeze that Sponge – Give it a Rest!

pinballToday we’re going to get rid of one last stinky thought – over-analyzing, the art of making a mountain out of nothing, let alone a mole hill; so we can successfully “run the race” God has for us.
People give us a “certain look” and we think they hate us. A friend compliments us; and then, we start wondering why they said it or what they want. We make a comment to our spouse; and then, begin telling ourselves they didn’t believe us. You know the drill. All theses thoughts start banging around inside the walls of your mind like a pinball. What does it get you? Down, discouraged…and deceived!
Admit it. You don’t know what the other person is thinking, feeling or their motives for doing or saying anything they do or say. Yet, you allow what you don’t know or what think you know to steal your joy and open the door to your drug of choice.
It’s time to get rid of those pinballs using your FREEdom tools. There is only one voice you should be listening too and it’s none of those banging around inside your head. Use your biblical tools to listen to the only One who counts – Jesus. How would He talk to you? Don’t know? Listen to it in the Word of God. What does He think of you? Don’t know? Get into the Word to memorize specific truths you’ll need to fight off your enemy’s lies. The Spirit knows the battles you’ll face with it’s ensuing lies. He will prepare you for victory with the truths you’ll need.
Here’s a wondrous truth to use in filtering out those banging thoughts: If it helps you become more like Jesus, keep it. If it draws you closer to your drug of choice, squeeze it out. Stay focused on anything that builds you up. Squeeze out anything that brings you down.
Give your mind a rest. You’ll feel the joy and love of the Lord as you do.
Set “FREE” Nowww

Squeeze That Sponge – Just Do It!

now3Today is Day 3 of how to squeeze that sponge-like brain of ours to “throw off everything that hinders” us so we can “run the race” set before us.
It’s time to squeeze out using the FREEdom process those stinky feelings brought on by procrastination – the art of putting something off we know must be done. A healthy faith, one that is very satisfying, comes from listening to and following Jesus throughout our day everywhere we go. Notice I said, “throughout our day.” Not just when we’re motivated, on fire and ready to charge. Those are the easy times to get things done.
It’s those others times, the gloomy days, which allows that unfulfilled to-do list to drag us down. Putting off tasks/projects we know need to be done only brings on guilt and feeling terrible about ourselves. “I’ve got to make that phone call, but (you fill in the excuse, any old excuse will do like, “My toes hurt” should do the trick).” Not making that call only makes us feel worse about ourselveswho we; thus, in walks our drug of choice to make us feel better.
Overcome procrastination by giving your daily to-do list or series of projects to Jesus. Listen to Him as to what those projects and daily lists should be. We can either be overly ambitious in order to meet our need for significance, which only wears us out, or under ambitious because we fear failure, which heaps burdens on our ever sagging shoulders. Both are joy killers!
Jesus said, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke (daily to-do list, series of projects) upon you and learn from Me (He cleared everything through His Father), for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29). Rest in this case comes while you’re doing something, but the something first comes from Him.
After getting that list from Him, see it as an act of worship, just as much as singing your favorite worship song. Ask the Spirit for strength to accomplish each item on your list. Don’t skip the hard ones either. This is just another form of procrastination hoping that task will some how magically go away! No, learn from Jesus. “Lord what’s next and then give me the strength to enjoy you while enjoying You.” Then get up and do it with Him.
Today, not tomorrow, is the day to just do it and enjoy Jesus while you do.
Set “FREE” Nowww

Squeeze that Sponge – Get in the Barrel

barrelOur minds are like sponges. They soak up information, some of which needs to be squeezed out so that our lives don’t end up stinking. This follows the admonition of Scripture to “throw off everything that hinders” so we can “run the race” set before us.”
Yesterday, we talked about doubts (see yesterday’s entry). Today we’ll squeeze out another putrid thought: the fear of failure as it can paralyze us from experiencing who Jesus is and what He can bring to our lives.
In reality, though, it’s not failure that we fear. It’s the results of failure that hold us back: a bruised ego, embarrassment, what others might think, not getting to that next rung on the latter of success, etc.
None of that matters, however, if we remember one thing: We are a secure child of God in Christ. By actually doing what Jesus asks, the outcome boils down to one issue: trust. Can following Jesus actually deliver the love, peace, security and significance that we’re looking for in life?
A world famous trapeze artist crossed Niagara Falls while rolling a barrel. He asked the audience, “Do you think I can do it again?” The crowd roared it’s approval. He asked, “Do you believe that both the barrel and I will safely cross the Falls, even if someone is inside that barrel?” Again, the crowd roared it’s approval. He asked one last question, “If you believe that I can safely cross with a person in the barrel, who will get into the barrel?” You could hear a pin drop.
Following Jesus will get us safely across that chasm of fear. Bruised ego? By doing what He’s asking us to do, we’re getting rid of, not protecting or building up, our ego, which is what gets us into trouble in the first place! Embarrassment? If we’re doing what we’re doing for the only One who counts, Jesus, He’ll be smiling and saying, “That’s my girl/boy! I’m proud of you!” What others might think, again, who cares? There is always someone who will criticize you no matter how great you do something.
“But, what if I mess up?” Does that change God’s opinion of you? No, He loves you the same. Will He beat you up? Nope, He’s there to give you hand up. Will He give up on you? The answer again is, no, as He already knows the exact moment when you’ll get it right anyway, even though that might be months away.
Your God loves and believes in you…period. In reality there is no failure in Christ. There is only failing backwards (not learning from it) or failing forwards (FREEdom processing it). Trust is the answer to overcoming the fear of failure. What do you have to lose, your pride? I think it’s worth giving it up to gain something you’re longing to experience – the results of living Jesus’ way.
“S”et Fr“EE” Nowww

Squeeze that Sponge Between Your Ears!

squeeze the spongeSponges. Soak up the mess, rinse, squeeze and they’re ready the next time you need them. Forget that last part and man oh man, you’ve got one stinky sponge on your hands.
Our minds are like that sponge. They soak up messes (others and ours) and if not rinsed and squeezed, those garbage thoughts are going to cause our lives to stink and we’ll end up taking our drug of choice. The writer of the Hebrews calls this, “throwing off everything that hinders” so we “run the race the race marked out for us.”
Over the course of the next few days, we’re going to examine some of those garbage thoughts that need to be washed (expose the lie and exchange it with the truth) and then squeezed out (focus on and then exercise that truth).
One hindering thought to squeeze out is doubt. Research has shown that “self-doubt leads to anxiety and depression, which, in turn, leads to numerous physical and mental consequences like weight gain, high blood pressure and chronic fatigue.”
When you start to experience doubts wash them out by focusing on specific lie-fighting truths; such as, God has prepared a good work for you to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10). You can do something positive and good with the life God has now given you. Make a list of who your God is. It is “in Christ” that you can do that something He prepared for you to do. It’s not just self doubt, but God-doubt that makes our lives stink.
Look back and see how God has changed your life to this point. Remember. Remember. Remember. We often forget in the midst of our current struggles how far He has already taken us. Yes, we are not “there”…yet. The truth is that the “author” of our faith is also the “perfecter” of our faith. He will finish the job. Remember, we are in process.
Lastly, speak truth into each others’ lives (Eph. 4:15). Be in a Bible Impact Group where you are mutually encouraging each other. These words of encouragement, when focused on, are great ways to squeeze out the doubts.
Victors in Christ focus on the good stuff and wash out the bad. Wash out the doubt and focus on the truth that you “can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”
Set Fr“EE” Nowww