I read this quote after being in a perfect setting of eating an awesome Thanksgiving meal with my wonderful wife and kids: Perfection is unattainable, but the pursuit of perfection allows you to experience excellence.
Both sides of Scripture command and encourage us to be perfect. Yes, perfection this side of heaven is experientially unattainable. As we pursue perfection, though, we will become more and more like Jesus along the way, which is our desire, right?
As we make progress towards perfection we’ll see our lives transformed and our sin and the consequences (guilt, shame, embarrassment, insecurities, stupidity, etc.) of it further and further in our rearview mirror.
I was reminded of how thankful I should be as I read that quote. Jesus saved me, which makes perfection possible. He is saving me, which means I can make progress towards it. And, He will finish the job of saving me, which means I’ll no longer be broken but whole! I don’t know about you, but I often beat myself up over my inadequacies and failures; and yet praise the Lord that is not how God sees me.
Lord, help us to keep pursuing You with every step we take and praise You with every breath we draw. Because of You, we have a lot to for which to be thankful.
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