Let your faith flourish!
Jesus’ teachings drew the hurting while ticking off the religious establishment.
Jesus went where it wasn’t kosher for a Jewish Rabbi to go in order to reach those hurting. He touched a leper, a dead person and went so far as to let a hemorrhaging woman touch Him. He even had a conversation at a local drinking establishment with a woman!
Jesus said it was never a bad day to do something good for someone, even if that day was the Sabbath.
In times like ours, listening to and following Jesus is crucial. There are people who are hurting and need Jesus. How can they hear unless someone is around them, even with possible Covid exposure?
What if Jesus told you to go? Would your theology be challenged? Do you believe that you are going to leave this planet someday, but not a moment before its God’s time for you to go?
We all have more room to grow when it comes to getting out of the boat to walk on water. So, allow the Spirit to grow your faith.
There are people outside your bubble that need your faith to grow so theirs can begin.