
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep – Romans 12:15.

This verse is hidden inside a section of scripture on how believers are to be connected through thick and thin.

Think about this for a second, though. What does it imply? You are connected with other Jesus believers!

Our world is so easy to bash the “church” for not being there, but are you there for them? There is an old saying, “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Connectivity is a two-way street.

The word church has been abused and misused. It simply is a group of people moving toward Jesus together. This group can be as small as two and as big as one can be transparent with others so they will know when you’re hurting or rejoicing.

Walking this journey on planet earth is not an easy one. There are highs and there are lows. And both are greatly enhanced if we have others to share both.

Don’t let past hurts or run ins with the church keep you from being there for others in a way they can be there for you.

I sure do appreciate those who wish to stay connected with me. I love the out of the blue texts, “How are you doing?” Or, “I was just praying for you.”

How about you? Take the time to invest in others! Stay connected.

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