God’s character is displayed on the canvas of His creation.
There are reminders all around us of the awesome God we lovingly serve.
The created works of His hands implore us to praise Him for who is, let alone what He’s done. From the lush flora, deep blue sky, and tropical colors of each bird we can understand who He is (Rom. 1:20).
His creation also has colorful reminders of what the Father did to redeem what mankind did to His creation, including the humans He put here, the deep red blood of Jesus.
Look around you. God’s fingerprints are clearly visible, if you’d only look. This looking keeps life about Him, not our challenges; about where we are heading, not where we are; and about His faithfulness not ours.
He loves you. He made you His child through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ that brings forgiveness for all that we’ve done.
Smile today. There are reminders all around you that your God is ever present in your life. And be ready to turn that smile into sharing so others can come to know the Father personally by believing what Jesus did for them.