
Life is not about what you can achieve, but who you can become.

God found David to be a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). David’s life had some extreme highs and extreme lows when it came to accomplishments, which David pursued even into his golden years.

Yet, God didn’t measure David’s life by what He did, but by who He was becoming – a man who loved Him with all his heart, even if that meant watching a few sheep or killing one very tall man.

Understand, God doesn’t need us to do anything for Him. He is self-sufficient. Nothing we do or don’t do adds to or subtracts from Him. All He wants from us is to love Him in faithful obedience.

The moment we put our faith in what Jesus achieved for us, not in what we achieved for Him, we became God’s workmanship for the good work He has for us to do. True fulfillment, then, is to seek His heart as to what that is and then doing it with Him no matter our age or gender.

What could that be? Well, Jesus once defined achievement as simply giving someone of a cup of cold water!

Life, therefore, is no longer about the what of the achievement, but everything in the becoming like Him while doing the what with Him. No matter how much you bargain with the Lord over the what, you will never be satisfied until you choose to do His what with Him.  

It takes both the bee and the flower to make sweet honey. Don’t worry about the what He has for others. Enjoy the what the Spirit has for you. Sweet Christlike qualities will taste like a cup of cold water on a hot day to a thirsty person.

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