A Gran Adventure

The God of the universe lives inside and is walking with you!

The immense God, which the universe is too small to contain, lives inside you. The Father, the Son and the Spirit dwell within you because of your faith in what Jesus did.

Let’s put the importance of that in perspective. There is an entire book that talks about this very thing, Exodus. Chapters 1-24 are about God taking a people/a nation, not just individuals, for His own. He gets this nation out of slavery. Fights their battles. And, provides their creature comforts despite their constant ungratefulness.

A dating life that probably should have ended for lack of mutual desire, God brings them to Mt. Sinai. He writes up a marriage contract between Himself and this nation, which is signed in blood. And wouldn’t you know it, the nation promptly commits adultery while the ink is still wet (32-34)!

What He does next is incredible. He makes plans to build a life with them! Exodus 25-31 speaks of the blueprints for a home that the Israelites in Exodus 35-39 used to build a dream home. Then in Exodus 40, God moves into that home to live among and walk with Israel, just as a husband and wife would do.

God has those same designs for us. Our flesh is His Temple, 2 Cor. 6:16, where He lives in and wants to walk with us. Therefore, life should be one gran adventure after another with this immense God living inside us.

Like Israel, we don’t deserve this gran adventure because of our ungratefulness. He has given everyday life, however, meaning and purpose like never before. We get to walk with this faithful God every single day.

This doesn’t mean life will not be without its aches and pains. We know, though, these stretching pains are an opportunity to experience our God just like the nation of Israel.

How we view each day is crucial to our peace of mind and heart. Is it just another day to get up, go to work, complain about the day and then go to bed? Or is each day another opportunity to walk with our God, in maybe new ways?

Check your perspective. Life is indeed a gran adventure if you are looking for one.

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