Be Church

“For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them.” – Jesus

I recently returned from a country where I saw and heard of unfathomable pain and suffering. Story after story broke my heart about what humans can do to fellow humans.

After just a few days of arriving home, I was up to teach at the “Sunday Service” where I am one of the pastors. I was asked, “How are you doing?” Truth? I was extremely angry. But, would I tell them the truth or just say what they might expect from a pastor, “I’m good. Thanks for asking.”

I wasn’t though; and, I knew it. I had a faith choice to make at that moment. These people love me. And for years, we’ve shared the same journey to love and become more like Jesus with each choice we make.

These people were praying for me while I was on that trip. Thus, I told the truth, “Nope, I’ve got a lot of head noise at the moment.” In fact, during the message, I even said, “I’m working through some anger.”

I knew they could handle the truth because we practice being church. This group of people/church were just as concerned as I was. And, they had my back in prayer! Ohhh yeah, there were times I really felt it too.

It’s been said, “You can travel faster alone, but farther together.” It’s not an easy journey to follow Jesus on this planet, especially in the days in which we find ourselves. I pray you have a group of people like I do that you can be church.

And if you don’t, start taking responsibility for your choices – staying away from being church and making excuses for why you are running fast, but alone. Learn to forgive and then go find others with whom you can travel farther and closer to Jesus. You need them!

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