He Gets You

Jesus’ birth brings meaning and purpose to us all.

We don’t know the actual day Jesus was born. The key truth, though, is that He was born. Born into a long family lineage from Adam to Abraham to David to Mary, who chose to believe the impossible could happen, and to Joseph, who adopted and raised Him as his own.

He was born to a set of parents who would face ridicule by family, friends and their community due to the circumstances of their pregnancy.

He placed Himself into the hands of Mary to care for Him at His most vulnerable time – conception, embryo, birth and infancy. She would have to take care of herself so He could grow and develop within her womb.

He placed Himself into the hands of Joseph to protect Mary from those would want to harm her on the way to Bethlehem, and from Herod, Satan’s dupe, who wanted Him dead. Yet, He was born as a human in a real town, Bethlehem, in a real country, Israel, just like the rest of us.

The circumstances surrounding His birth were not ideal by any stretch of the imagination. He knew these circumstances would stay with Him for the rest of His life and be thrown in His face by His brothers and Israel’s religious and governmental institutions.

He knew all this; and yet, He came. Jesus, as God, made the choice to become human at conception. Jesus, as a man, made the choice to love His Father with every step He took in order to fulfill the mission given by His Father – born, live, die, and rise again – to give all humanity hope.

Maybe the circumstances surrounding your birth or childhood were less than ideal. But you are here and loved by Someone who understands you and gives your life meaning and purpose with every step you take.

Jesus gets you. So, may you reflect on this truth this Christmas and show your love for and to Him by listening to and following Him a little more today than you did yesterday.  

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