All parts of a jigsaw puzzle are put together to see the entire picture.
This past Sunday, after the service, I was drawn into a conversation. As someone was sharing, the Lord was speaking to my heart. At first, however, I thought their word was only for them. Then, after realizing it was for me too, I apologized and took it to heart.
What would have happened if they hadn’t come to be church, let alone be at the service?
David says that it is “good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity!” (Ps. 133:1) The unity is Jesus, as we all want to love Him more. Dwell is to sit down and have a conversation, both of which was happening; and, could only happen if we were actually in the same room together.
It’s interesting that research continues to discover what God already wrote down. In this case, those with a solid support group handle tough times a lot easier. In order to subdue or put Satan in his place, God made two people – Adam and Eve – not one.
When we fall down, God writes that two are better than one so the one standing can help the fallen one up. And of course, He penned the word Church, which means a group of people moving toward Jesus together. Even the secular world recognizes this, “You can go faster alone, but further with others.”
We need like-minded followers of Christ to be instruments in our lives, especially when the Spirit is giving a nugget of truth to us that He’s already lived it out in their lives.
Who is part of your support system in becoming like Jesus? Someone who will tell you the truth you need to hear, not just what you want to hear?
Pick your group. It doesn’t have to be lots, but it must be some (“two or three are gathered in My name”). Pick your day to meet and when. It doesn’t have to be Sunday, but it has to be sometime. Then listen up. The Lord just may use them to give you truths that will set you free to experience all the love, joy and peace that He has for you…today.