“Stop seeking validation from a world that crucified a perfect man.”
The first time in Scripture Jesus heard the words, “This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17), He said nothing. He got a “thattaboy” right before heading into battle with Satan. He needed validation for who He was (My Son) and the direction His life was going (well pleased).
It was the same for the second time Jesus heard those words as He was about to face His biggest challenge yet – going to the cross (Matt. 16:21; 17:5).
As a human, Jesus needed to hear that someone was proud of Him. As a child, He may or may not have heard them from his step-father Joseph or Mary, His mom. We don’t know. But we do know He heard those words of validation from His Heavenly Father.
We all need validation. The question is, “Where do we seek it?” I could give a litany of ways that you, myself and others seek the validation that we are okay, loved and heading in the right direction. But they all have one thing in common – broken human beings who may fail in this department.
Yet, for those who have put their faith in what Jesus did for them on the cross, we have a Father who is perfect in this department, if only we’d listen to and believe what He says. We are loved – period. We are accepted – period. We are His children – period. And, we’ve been given a purpose for living. And, as we do it in His power, will hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”
God at times will bring this validation Himself. But there will also be opportunities for Him to use you. You can catch someone doing something right and say, “I’m proud of you. Good job, keep going, you’re heading in the right direction, even if times are tough.” And when they ask why, tell them.
We all crave it. We all need it. So why not let Him send His words through you? Those very words may be what someone needs to hear at that very moment to keep moving forward today, one step at a time.
Hear Him now. He’s proud of you! Why? You’re reading this instead of endlessly scrolling on your phone. Keep listening to your Father’s words of validation either through His voice directly or through someone like you and me.