Living the Dream

The gran dream is to live the life the Father has for you.

I recently heard the story of a person who lost their leg below their knee in war. This person was still having shrapnel removed from various body parts, which was causing them pain; and yet, they had a great attitude about their future. This person smiles and laughs as they tell their story of pursuing their life ahead.

This attitude came from a singer, who auditioned for one of the many TV talent shows. Though he didn’t have to, after hearing that his country was at war, he returned home where he was killed in the defense of his country.

Before returning he wrote, “I imagined this year differently, a year of ambitions and fulfilling dreams. Now I am living an old dream to fight for the country … a new dream and another will have to wait a little.” The afore person caught fire with this statement. They still had a reason for living, though different than maybe they envisioned.

What a life lesson for us all! We can focus on the pain of living or the purpose of life the Father has for us (the “good work” [Eph. 2:10] of making disciples [Matt. 28:18-20]). Are we pursing our dreams or His? One drags us down, while the other pushes us forward and upward.

Pain, however, will be part of this process, no matter who you are or where you live. Walking with your Father in the pursuit of His purpose will keep you going forward despite the pain.

We all have dreams of what we think life should be. Living God’s dream for your life, no matter the personal cost, will bring greater meaning to and fulfillment of life today, tomorrow and into eternity.

Jesus knew the art of living the Father’s dream. He kept moving toward and through the purpose the Father had given Him – the cross, the suffering/pain. Yet, He experienced then and now the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment of God’s purpose for His life – the resurrection, the basis of our hope.

Follow Jesus in living the dream.

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