I’ve tasted the goodness of the Lord! But I’m getting ahead of myself here.
My wife and I moved our daughter to her new home for the next nine months last Wednesday. We then moved our son to his new home for that same period of time this past Saturday. For a guy who loves being a dad with his kids at home, this has been a pretty emotional week. Then this past Monday I was hit with another challenge, which opened a door so wide that truck loads of my drugs of choice (where one turns to meet one’s needs) could drive through.
Herein lies the praise. I slammed that door shut in the Spirit’s power! I never turned to my drugs of choice during this entire time. Instead, I tasted and know from experience that the Lord is good.
I’m reporting to you today that the Bible is true and Jesus really does work in the real world in which we live. Now go ahead. Make your day. Taste and see that the Lord is good for yourself. Victory tastes oh so much better than defeat.
Set Free Now“W”w