“Rest tonight knowing that whatever is on your mind is in God’s hands!”
A relatively new discovery about the brain has gotten me very excited and trusting God’s Word even more!
Research shows that we start the life change process by introducing new thoughts into our brain – either good or bad. This is why we need truth that sets us free from thought patterns that lead us away from Jesus. Therefore, we must start with truth – His.
We are then told to meditate on His truths day and night (Joshua 1:8), even as we put our heads on our pillows (Ps. 63:6). This constant thinking about and acting on this new thought drives the new neuron/truth thought deeper and deeper into our brain.
Research also shows that as we get into REM sleep our unused thoughts/neurons are washed away; and our short-term memories are transferred into our long-term storage or hippocampus.
In other words, getting proper rest is absolutely crucial for life change, which is exactly what Isaiah 30:15 states, “Repent and rest is your salvation.”
Repent is being exposed to a truth that shows we’re heading away from and how to stay in God’s presence.
But notice what comes next, rest! We must stop inputting data and then go to sleep so the brain can properly store its new thoughts – truth – deeper into it.
As the new day’s information enters our brains, it will be matched with what is stored in it to make today’s decisions. As we keep repeating this truth obedience and sleep cycle – awake truth-based decision and sleep storage – life transformation takes place in the area the Spirit desires to change.
Therefore, the more we act on the new information and then “sleep on it”, the deeper the truthful thought will go into our brain, which leads to life change (Rom. 12:2 – “transformed by the renewing our mind”).
This entire process takes total reliance on making the hard decisions (see Hard Faith) in God’s power as “we” would rather stay in our comfort zone (see Uncomfortably Comfortable). Remember, Hebrews 11:25 tells us that sin choices are much more pleasurable in the short-term than faith choices to become more like Jesus.
Repent and rest. Input and act upon truth and sleep leads to continually being saved or life change. Ponder what you’ve just read; and then go take a 30-minute nap!