2% Daily Improvement
A long journey is a series of short steps. My wife and I recently spent time in El Salvador, the home of my bonus son, Americo. While there, he took us on a hike up a volcano. This hike would … Continue reading
A long journey is a series of short steps. My wife and I recently spent time in El Salvador, the home of my bonus son, Americo. While there, he took us on a hike up a volcano. This hike would … Continue reading
“Not all storms come to disrupt your life; some come to clear your path.” What time is it? Depending upon which direction you are looking at the puddle, it could either be almost 9:00 or 3:30. Your perspective, walking toward … Continue reading
“When life speeds up, slow down.” Busy or fulfilling? Ask Moses. Israel went into Egypt as a family of 70 and came out a nation under his leadership. Talk about a time when Moses’ life sped up faster than a … Continue reading
“Remember what God has done to keep doing what He wants done.” The moment we put our faith in what Jesus did (lived, died, buried and rose again), we became a new creation with a God given purpose to keep … Continue reading
“Listening comes before doing.” Joshua heard from the LORD that He would give Joshua victory literally every place Joshua put his foot. All Joshua had to do was listen and follow. Notice, though, what came first – listen. You have … Continue reading