Cause and Effect
Seeds planted today bear edible fruit tomorrow. I was recently on Kauai with my family. I sure miss the ocean. I currently live in the high desert where I am about 1.25 hours away from the beach. I miss watching … Continue reading
Seeds planted today bear edible fruit tomorrow. I was recently on Kauai with my family. I sure miss the ocean. I currently live in the high desert where I am about 1.25 hours away from the beach. I miss watching … Continue reading
God’s character is displayed on the canvas of His creation. There are reminders all around us of the awesome God we lovingly serve. The created works of His hands implore us to praise Him for who is, let alone what … Continue reading
Love people and point them to Jesus when they ask why you care. Are we trying to make good people or followers of Jesus? Put another way, can we love people in their broken and fallen state into a relationship … Continue reading
Never think too little or too much of yourself that you move away from God’s purposeful design for you! This acacia tree is perfectly made for the desert. It survives on little water due to its umbrella like shape that … Continue reading
Hold on. Jesus knows what He’s doing. One of the reasons Jesus was conceived in a woman, birthed in a cave and set in a cow’s eating trough was to become a man who could say with total credibility, “Been … Continue reading