Surrender Isn’t Easy Only Best

surrenderTozer once said, “The essence of surrender is getting out of God’s way so that He can do in us what He also wants to do through us.”
An ancient Jewish saying puts it like this, “It’s better to be like God than to commune with God.” We think doing Christian or even godly things makes us cool with Jesus. Nope. It doesn’t work that way.
Now is the time to ask, “Spirit, how am I getting in the way? Jesus give me the courage to see what I need to see and Spirit give me the power to give it up.”
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An Encouraging Word

life from deathHope. There’s a word of encouragement. No matter how bad your day is, Jesus can get you through it. No matter what you’ve done today or yesterday, Jesus can redeem it. No matter how dead you feel inside or relationships may seem, Jesus can make it and them alive. Why? He is the Resurrection and the Life.
Jesus brought life out of death, which is seen in this picture. A dead tree stump gives rise to a live tree. Jesus can bring victory even when defeat seems to be the only outcome.
Your struggle to love Jesus may seem hopeless at times, maybe even today. Yet keep in mind, He rose from the dead and so can and will you! There is indeed hope for today and tomorrow.
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Reminder to Remember

remember 2I wish I had a better camera when I took this picture. It was a nice spring day. The sun was shinning. White clouds were scattered across a light blue sky. Then I saw it – a sideways white robed cloud with a rainbow hem. The red was faded. The yellow was bright. The blue tried to sneak out while a bluish-purple was visible only at different angels.
Keep in mind it was a beautiful day. It had not recently rained nor were the clouds stormy looking. The Lord brought to mind that we often rely on His promises during the storms of life; and yet, how often do we forget them on life’s sunny days? Do we only rely on Him when life gets rough or can we enjoy Him on life’s sunny days as well?
Yes our God’s promises are good during life’s storms. It’s equally true, though, that He’s good for His word the rest of the time as well. This picture is a reminder to remember that your God is Savior and Faithful yesterday, today and tomorrow…no matter what the outside weather is.
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He’s On Guard

dogI face all kinds of situations walking the hills. I’ve given plenty of space to snakes and coyotes. Kept moving past beehives And, I expect to see dogs roaming free. I am, however, relieved when their owners are on the lookout. Only they know how their animal will react. Once, I made eye contact with an owner who was on top of things. Soon their animal was on a leach. Let’s just say this owner knew their dog…well.
As believers, we can be like that dog having a good ol’ time loving and becoming more like Jesus. And like that dog owner, Jesus knows us well. He knows our weaknesses and faith level at any point in life. He understands how our day is going and where our mind is focused at any given moment.
Jesus can see down the road and can protect us from situations He knows we’re not ready to handle yet. The question is, “Will we let Him?” Keep practicing listening to and following Jesus in the mundane things of life. As we do, we’ll be protected from the harmful things of life too. Every little decision made in His power today is preparation for the more harmful situations we face tomorrow.
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Hummingbird Lessons

hummingbirdWhile walking the other day a hummingbird zipped across my path. I’m continually amazed at the amount of energy it expends just to stay in place. I’m sure it’s looking at or for something while it hangs in midair, but its wings are still humming along at quite a rapid pace.
Couple of thoughts here. One, if you’re standing still it should be to rest while restoring your energy sources not depleting them. Yet, how often do we spend needless energy on worry, anger and stress while standing in place? Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Life on this planet is temporary; and thus, so are our challenges. Life can deplete us. Let Jesus refill by standing firm on the truths He gives so your mind can rest.
Two, when you start walking with the Author of life learn to relax. If you’re going to expend energy, spend the Spirit’s power, not your own. Letting go of I and me can be difficult, but learning to Him is less exhausting than living in your power.
Both standing and going forward mean rest for the secure child of God. The more He takes over, the more we can rest in place or while humming along.
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