God is not an Entertainer

miracleI was visiting someone who was quite down in the mouth. They were visibly upset at the turn of events in their life. They asked a very interesting question, “Why won’t God give me a miracle?” My answer surprised even me, “Are you ready for one?”
The point was, “Were they ready to follow Jesus if He did?” Understand, God is not in the entertainment business. If and when Jesus performs a miracle, it’s to get you to take further steps of faith to walk with and closer to Him.
During Jesus’ trial, Pilate sent Jesus to King Herod, who “when he saw Jesus, he was very glad, for he had long desired to see him, because he had heard about him, and he was hoping to see some sign done by Him.” (Lk. 23:8) Remember that Herod had John the Baptist killed because of being entertained by a female dancer. Jesus did nothing but kept silent. Herod wasn’t ready.
God is God, not an entertainer. He does what He does to get us to allow Him to change our lives, not make them easier. In fact, following Jesus is tough, very tough at times. I believe that one of the reasons we don’t see more miracles is that we simply want to be wowed and razzle-dazzled by God, rather than love Him through our obedience.
Want a miracle? Be ready to exercise the truth by faith empowered by the Spirit when He asks you to surrender or do something, no matter how tough it may be.
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Being Glad

gladnessPsalm 5:11, “Let all who take refuge in You be glad.” I was pondering how to actually take refuge in Jesus. Then it hit me. Taking refuge in Jesus means doing what He says!
As you do, you’re trusting that living His way, which brings you closer to Him, will also bring you the safety and security, which is what a refuge is all about, you’re looking for. And what do you feel when you’re safe and secure? Gladness!
Make Jesus your refuge today. What has He been asking you to do? Then exercise that truth by faith empowered by the Spirit the next opportunity you get.
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Doing Nothing is Something

overgrownI was on a prayer walk when I overcame this garage. The house had burned down and the garage was abandoned. As you can see, it’s overgrown with vines; and if continued to be left unattended, the garage will eventually fall down due to rotting wood.
Life is like this garage. It can overwhelm us if we don’t actively process out the lies of the world. By doing nothing we are doing something. We’re letting someone else control our minds; and thus, the basis for our decision making. I can only tell you from experience that this leads to disaster.
The vines didn’t take over this garage overnight. But, a little neglect here and a little abandonment there and before you know it, you’ve got a lot of work staring you in the face. Joy doesn’t come in the morning, but with daily being in touch with Jesus. If not, you’ll soon be left wondering what in the world happened to your life!
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drop of waterI couldn’t have said it better, so I’m going to let Jeff Herron say if for me.
“Perhaps my capacity is too small and my capabilities too few and weak, but I do not seem to be the only individual sometimes overwhelmed by the rush and push of 21st-century Western living. Between social media, the ease of acquiring things, and the accelerating pace of change on all fronts (technological, political, societal, etc.), it can feel as if a great wave is crashing on me with unrelenting force, pinning me to the ocean floor and crushing the life out of me. In the days when I worked as an IT professional, it seemed I was right in the worst part of the storm — 200 emails before lunch! dozens of client phone calls! constant technology glitches! another round of computer updates! — and sometimes I had to lie down on the floor and focus on my breathing until the feeling that I might literally explode passed.
I’m not sure why I am this way, but I have found a ready solution for it in simplifying. The spiritual rationale for the practice is to remove non-essentials from blocking the two-way communication between myself and God. And when it comes to interrupting the flow of that life — the only life there is! — nearly everything is a non-essential. Simplicity facilitates prioritizing, because there are fewer items about which a decision of any kind needs to be made. It has impacts in many facets of life: housing, maintenance of stuff, food, education, child-rearing, communication, and on and on.
Today, there is almost no area of my life that does not bear the marks of simplification. From our house to our budget to my one drawer of clothing to the kitchen cupboards to the (usual) serenity of my mind, I have reaped from the practice of simplicity a hundred-fold from what I have sown. This is how we were meant to live! This is a part of what life in the Kingdom of God is like.”
How can you downsize your life to better hear from and follow Jesus?
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Pitfalls and Waterfalls

waterfalls“I love the view from the top of the mountain,” said a man laying on a grassy hilltop with a deep look of serenity on his face. This didn’t last too long as you see him running down that same hill, “I can’t handle all the problems that come with seeing that far!”
Seeing tomorrow comes with its pitfalls and waterfalls. Ephesians 3:20 tells us that our God is able to do “immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine;” and yet the Psalmist writes, “I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul.” (31:1-2)
Contradiction? Nope, they go hand it hand. God wants us to see down the road about the possibilities of who He is and what He can do; thus, our prayer life should reflect this kind of faith.
Our daily focus, however, must be on walking with Him in the moment. You can’t take tomorrow’s steps toward Jesus today. You can only choose to walk with Him right now. Focusing on tomorrow will land you in every pothole along the journey. Focus on walking with Jesus today allows you to be refreshed under the falls of God’s Spirit.
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