Faith Stretching Focus

“When we work, we work. When we talk to God, He works.” Hudson Taylor

I had had a great time in the Word the evening before we went kayak fishing on Tioga Lake, just outside Yosemite National Park.

I’ll paraphrase what the Spirit had Habakkuk write. When there is no hope for future employment, food on the shelves and your current reserves are next to nothing, what do you do? You rejoice in the Lord and take joy in the God of your salvation (Hab. 3:17-19). He is the one who provides your security, not your situation.

What does this have to do with fishing? If you knew me, you know how competitive I can be. I don’t mind others catching fish. In fact, I brag with my friends, “We don’t fish, we catch.”

And, I especially love the way my bonus son cooks fresh trout. It’s yummy delicious. I’m hoping everyone catches their limit as that means more yummy deliciousness to go around.

Well…keep in mind we were all using the same rigging and bait while fishing in the same spot. Yet, everyone caught their limit while I brought nothing home. Was I frustrated? What do you think!?

Yet, the Lord brought Habakkuk to mind. Was my competitive nature going to ruin my entire time? It was a gorgeous day of deep blue skies while an eagle soared above. What could be better? Fish on my stringer; oops, I mean nothing. LOL.

It’s a visual I use when I can’t get a grip on the future based on the present. My Father tells me, despite what I see, rather don’t see, to rejoice in Him, not in what I’m not seeing. He will take care of me today and tomorrow. Will I trust Him in the midst of uncertainty?

Faith requires God’s child to examine their focus. Is it on the Father and what He has done and can do or on themselves?

You become what you focus on and what you focus on only gets bigger. So, let your faith stretch your focus so you can enjoy today with your Father while He fixes what you can or cannot see.  


Reflection needs truth and honesty.

There are numerous days and weeks throughout the first half of the Bible where the worshiper was asked by God to spend time reflecting on where they were in case they needed to make a course correction.

One of the reasons we don’t want to spend time reflecting on where we are, though, is because we don’t want to be honest with ourselves. If we spend time reflecting on what God wants to say to us, it might require change.

Yet, if we don’t change course, we’ll keep doing what we are doing. And what should the obvious questions be, “Is what I’m doing right/truthful? Is what I’m doing/thinking pleasing to God?” Might this line of listening show that we are headed in the wrong direction? Ouch, right?

This is why there was another side to these days of reflection. They had sacrifices associated with them. Hmm, I guess we now know why. We might need them upon reflection of where we are.

Yes, Jesus paid the price for all our sin. Yes, there is nothing He won’t forgive. But hear me, Jesus would rather not have to spend time forgiving you when He could spend time enjoying your company!

Instant pleasure brings short-term gains, but long-term pain. Making the course correction now is much easier than it will be later.

Let your daily devotional, quiet time or whatever you call it, be a time of reflection. Hear His voice in the Word. Hear the Spirit evaluate where you are and need to go based on what you heard. And know this, your Father will be right in front smiling as you walk into His arms wherever this journey will take you.

Turn it Around

Victor or victim is your choice, not your circumstances.

The Bible is the only book that describes reality as it really is, not what we hope, think or want it to be. And, it tells of a real enemy who wants to destroy you. Just ask Daniel.

All he did was do his job with excellence, which created job envy by those who worked for him. These men then wanted him completely out of the picture so they got the boss’s ear and worked their way to getting Daniel a death sentence!

Life happens to us all; and, it’s not always fair either. Some of it is caused by our choices and some by the choices of others. Yet, we love a God who is a redeemer, who can turn sadness into joy…if you play the victor card rather than the victim card.

Victors learn and grow from these sad or hard times, which brings joy. Sadness for them is merely an opportunity to grow. Victims wallow in their bad fortune, focus on and let it consume them. Sadness only mutates in this environment.

James tells us to count it all joy when tough times come our way by taking control of our attitude through focusing on and following Jesus, which leads us to be more like Him – perfect (1:2-4).

But you say, “I can’t become perfect this side of heaven.” True. But you can become more like Jesus, the One you love and has everything you need.

Victims blame circumstances and others. Victors use those same circumstances to become more like Jesus.

Turn that joy robbing situation into a growth opportunity. The choice is yours – become more like Jesus or stay where you’re at, sad.

Fun Times

“My sheep hear My Voice and follow Me.” Jesus

I usually do my work out before I go on my prayer walk. Yet, today my Father had something different in mind. He said to walk and then do the work out.

“Ohhh ok, Lord, let’s do it. You know what You’re asking, though, right?” Part of today’s workout was a 100 burpees. Burn baby burn even more so after a 3.5 mile walk with incline.

As we were walking, He said to stop at a friend’s house to see how they were doing. This wasn’t anything new, but there was something new. After ringing the doorbell, I saw this stone along the pathway to their front door. It read, “Dear child, it’s not following, unless you let Me go first. Love God.” It put a huge smile on my face. Good times.

Let’s be honest. We like normal, whatever that is, because it keeps us in control, which feels good. We resist change because there is the possibility of failure. And, who likes to fail?

Yet, Scripture tells us that we cannot please the Father without taking faith steps, which by its definition means getting out of our comfort zones where failure is possible.

Don’t let your mind stop there, though. Let’s add another truth. Who is the author and perfecter of our faith? Jesus. Who will complete the job He started in us? The Father. Therefore, it’s our faith steps that pleases God where He’s already covered our failures in the process of following Him!

If had stayed in my routine I would have missed this fun moment with my Father. Want the fun times with your God? Ask yourself, “Who’s out front and who are you listening to?” Change can be scary, but it can be fun too, even in the midst of the 100 burpees He did along with me.

Beyond Comfort

“My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace, nor even blessing, but Himself, my God.” Oswald Chambers

After 50 years of marriage, my mother-in-law shocked my father-in-law. We were at a Harley Davidson store at the base of Denali where she purchased an eagle based theme Harley t-shirt. This left my father-in-law speechless!

After 50 years of marriage, he was still learning about his bride. In fact, a few years later she took it a little further when she wanted to ride a Harley for her birthday, which she did!

You should have seen the smile on his face. 50 years of getting to know each other and there were still nice surprises along the way.

We get an eternity worth of time to experience those surprises with our God. Ever think why need an eternity? It is because He is by nature eternal.

Scripture can only contain so much about Who God is. Thus, we get an endless amount of “time” in order to experience all there is to know about Him. An innumerable amount  of nice surprises lay ahead of us, starting now.

Peace. Experienced it. Love. Known that. Joy. Pretty nice. Why do we keep asking for these when there are other aspects of God’s character just waiting to be explored?

I think Chambers had it right. Our goal in life should be God Himself, nothing more, nothing less. God wants us to resist settling for anything or anyone short of Him by drawing closer to Him.

Don’t settle for facts already known. Experience more of His character transformed into your character that sometimes is learned through being pushed beyond your comfort zone.

You love an eternal God. Spend time getting to know Him in ways you’ve never before known. How about starting now? Get into the Word and ask Him, “Lord show me something about you that I need to experience.” Guess what? He will.