
When we discover what we want is what Jesus already gives, only then we will find that He is enough.

We say we are looking forward to heaven and being with Jesus. We ask the Lord to come, like yesterday. And yet, we hold onto this life with two white-knuckled fists.

Think about that for a second. Isn’t what we’re hoping to get out of whatever it is we are holding onto is simply a mere reflection of what is found in Jesus’ presence?

We say Jesus is all that we need, but we keep striving for what we already have, Jesus.

Is Jesus enough? Just a question He wants you to ask and let Him answer. You won’t be fulfilled until you do.

Preparation is Crucial

Every experience God gives us is the perfect preparation for the future only He can see.” Corrie Ten Boom

I once read, “We think we’ll prepare when the opportunity comes. No, you prepare for the opportunity to come. The Lord brings the opportunity when you’re prepared.”

There is no wheat harvest without the farmer doing all the preparation work months in advance. The farmer has to prepare the soil. They have to plant the seed. And then, they either pray for rain or irrigate the land.

They know where they are going and what they want – a large profitable harvest. And, they prepare for it by doing the work that leads to tomorrow’s harvest today.

Your Father knows all the plans He has for your life. A plan not to harm you, but to fulfill you. Lovingly obey and follow Him today; and, you’ll be ready for tomorrow’s plan when it comes.

It’s Time to Believe

The greatest joy in life is gaining what one can’t lose.

What are we truly willing to live for that doesn’t come through dying?

Without dying physically, we can’t taste the life that never ends. Without letting go of our goals, our visions, our wants, our desires, our way of living, and/or our way of thinking we can’t experience the life He has for us.

Yet, we fear what we don’t know. Jesus, though, knows what we fear and defeated it. The real question is, “Are we living to exist or existing to live?”

Jesus said whoever wishes to gain their life must lose it, and to those who choose to lose their life for Him will end up saving it. Seems like a paradox, but it’s the spiritual reality in which we live in.

We often live for what we can see, rather than for what we can’t. I once read that something doesn’t just happen and then we believe. No, belief comes first. Do we believe that through dying we gain something that we can never lose?

What is Jesus asking you to die to today in order to experience the life that He has for you? Salvation – a changed life now that enters eternity with us – will come.

It’s time to believe…first.

Cause and Effect

Seeds planted today bear edible fruit tomorrow.

I was recently on Kauai with my family. I sure miss the ocean. I currently live in the high desert where I am about 1.25 hours away from the beach. I miss watching the waves that mesmerize and calm me at the same time.

It was very cool to watch the swells roll in and finally see them form waves that surfers rode into the beach.

It was then the Lord brought me a message. Your life is like those swells. Storms miles away caused those swells where sometimes it only took days for them to hit a surface that allowed them to break into a ridable wave, the effect.

What you do today will be harvested – good or bad – tomorrow. What are the storms of your producing in you?

Keep in mind that God’s grace covers the ultimate consequence of our choices (eternal separation from Him) but not from all the consequences we might face here on earth.

Surrender to the Spirit and allow your life’s storms produce Christlike character in you.

Reminders All Around

God’s character is displayed on the canvas of His creation.

There are reminders all around us of the awesome God we lovingly serve. 

The created works of His hands implore us to praise Him for who is, let alone what He’s done. From the lush flora, deep blue sky, and tropical colors of each bird we can understand who He is (Rom. 1:20).

His creation also has colorful reminders of what the Father did to redeem what mankind did to His creation, including the humans He put here, the deep red blood of Jesus. 

Look around you. God’s fingerprints are clearly visible, if you’d only look. This looking keeps life about Him, not our challenges; about where we are heading, not where we are; and about His faithfulness not ours. 

He loves you. He made you His child through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ that brings forgiveness for all that we’ve done.

Smile today. There are reminders all around you that your God is ever present in your life. And be ready to turn that smile into sharing so others can come to know the Father personally by believing what Jesus did for them.