Live as You Know Him

“Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place on their own accord.” J.I. Packer

The book of Ezekiel has a common thread: know that the LORD alone is God.

He lists a number of events that when they occurred, the observer would know it was the LORD doing them and it was time to put their faith in the LORD, not themselves or other gods.

One of those events was that a Temple would be built where each gate to the Inner Court had a picture of a palm tree.

Why a palm tree? Ancient Hebrew used picture symbols, which eventually evolved into the letter symbols used today, which was another way – a dead language coming alive – for people to know that the LORD alone is God.

The word for palm tree has three picture symbols – a cross symbolizing a monument, a squiggly line symbolizing water, might or blood, and the head of a man symbolizing the head, first or beginning.

Isn’t interesting that Jesus died on a cross where He shed both water and blood as the head of creation to cleanse humanity of their sins and to bring them into the presence of the Father, who was enthroned above the Ark in the first Temple?

Is it any wonder that Jesus calls Himself a gate in John 10:9 and said, “I am the way, the truth, the life and no one comes to the Father but through Me” in John 14:6?

Wait there is more! Ancient Israeli palm trees produced sweet dates! Want sweetness in your life? Jesus as God is the path to know God where sweetness is found and life’s challenges seem to melt into the background.

This means believing that Jesus died on the cross by shedding His blood and water to cleanse you from all your mistakes, even the tiniest of them, so you can enter the presence God today and one day to be home in heaven.

Haven’t done that yet? Take a moment right now to tell Jesus that you are transferring trust from yourself in doing more good than bad to Him and His death and resurrection to give you that sweet life today, tomorrow into eternity.

Done that already? Take faith steps each day to know your Father and the sweetness He has for you. His sweetness invigorates in a life sucking world.

Today not Yesterday

“This is the day the Lord has made.”

The Lord gave Ezekiel a message for the Israelites living in what is now called Iraq. He told them not to focus on yesterday.

They were told to live in the presence of the living God and experience the joy only He could give, no matter their current circumstances, today.

Some of his listeners had willingly come to Iraq. While they were still living in Jerusalem, Jeremiah told them they would live as long as they surrendered to King Nebuchadnezzar. They did and they were.

Some to whom Ezekiel was talking, however, unwillingly came. They deserved to die in Jerusalem. And yet, God spared them and brought them to Iraq anyway.

Some did the right thing while others did the wrong thing. This is who God was talking to through Ezekiel.

Yesterday is over. Don’t waste time living in the past by either focusing on your right choices or your wrong choices.

Today is all you have. Choose to live in the presence of Jesus right now. It’s the only choice you have total control over.

And, it’s the only choice that brings joy no matter what your current circumstances are.

He Did and Does!

“When God is in control, I can face things that are out of my control and not act out of control.” Lysa Terquest

It was still dark on this early morning drive to southern Texas some forty years ago. I had two people fast asleep when it happened.

I was driving an unfamiliar road when all of a sudden my car went into a spin. No matter what I did, the spin only got worse.

I finally took my hands off the wheel and said, “Jesus take control.” He did. I hit black ice and didn’t know it. The car eventually stopped safely on the shoulder. Everyone was safe and asleep, though my heart rate was a tad bit on the high side.

So, every time I hear Carrie Underwood sing, “Jesus Take The Wheel”, I think of my own situation.

Yet lately, Jesus has had that song steadily running in my head. I sense He wants me to meditate on the chorus: Jesus, take the wheel / Take it from my hands / ‘Cause I can’t do this on my own / I’m letting go / So give me one more chance / And save me from this road I’m on / Jesus, take the wheel.

Maybe He’s wanting you to do the same? You’ve been trying to get through a certain task, situation or string of days without asking Him for direction and/or strength?

Let Jesus take the wheel of your life. Let Him show you what path to take. And, ask Him for the power to walk that specific path.

He will help you arrive safely to where He wants you to go.

Grab the Moment

Focus on Jesus, not yourself, and you’ll be ready for any moment.

It was 1948. WWII was over. Britain, in a few short months, was leaving Palestine for good.

The only way for the Jewish people already living in Palestine to protect themselves was to declare a new state – the State of Israel. And for this new country to survive, it would need the powerful US to recognize her right to exist.

President Truman, the US President, was refusing to see or to discuss the issue with anyone due to the constant bombardment he received from people on all sides of the issue from around the world and US.

Yet, one man got through, a longtime friend, Eddie Jacobson. This moment led to another moment, which led to President Truman giving his word that if Israel proclaimed themselves a country when Britain left, he would immediately recognize them.

One man, out of friendship, was in a place, for a mere moment in time, to change the course of history.

You have access to all kinds of people who share your struggles (1 Corinthians 10:13). And in those moments with them, if taken, you can change the world, their world, by sharing how Jesus has changed your life. You can make a difference!

Slow down. Stop worrying about you. You know where you’re going, right?

Be open for and grab those moments to share Jesus and change someone’s life forever.

Freedom’s Exhilaration

You don’t need a new year to make a change. You only need a new day.

We live in a broken world filled with broken people. Be honest. We are broken as well. As hard as we try, it appears becoming more like Jesus is an uphill battle.

Spoiler alert!!! It is! Jesus is God. We are not. He is perfect. We are not, which means we will fail.

And because we fear what failure brings, we live in the status quo of life. We stay the same, which means staying in the same place! Jesus came to set us free from the bondage of sameness.

I once read, “Failures are part of life. If you don’t fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you’ll never change.”

This as well as our walk with Christ are pictured here. This gentlemen is experiencing the thrill of climbing an overhanging rock face.

Notice, though, what’s around his waist? It’s a harness attached to a rope, running through carabiners, firmly attached to rock.

He is attempting to feel the exhilaration of climbing this rock face. And yet, he has a safety net. Does this mean he wants to miss a hand hold? No! It’s going to hurt to hit the rock, but…he will live to try again!

Jesus wants us to taste the same exhilaration of exploring who He is and what He can do in and through us. Will we make mistakes? Most likely, but we are tethered to a rock – Him. And hopefully, we’ll learn not to make that same mistake again.

In a fallen world, failure is part of the game. Yet, so is growth.

Each day is a new day to choose to experience freedom’s exhilaration regardless of yesterday’s failures. Choose to grow. Jesus has you firmly in His hands.