Now Is Good

nowThere’s no time like the present to start is a phrase I heard growing up. As kids, we’d get lazy about doing our chores or homework assignments; and then, we’d be reminded that if we got them done now, we could enjoy playing later.
When it comes to walking with Jesus, you may have been putting off something He’s been asking you to do. But, there’s no time like the present to get started. You can waste more time missing out on the joy and peace He brings or you can actually follow Him now.
Yes, there will be all kinds of excuses to overcome in getting started. Yet, you can go with them or with Jesus. It’s your choice. The walk with Jesus is more than worth it.
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Who Cares?

surrender-2A friend of mine wrote, “Joseph knew that if he dared to touch his master’s (Potiphar) wife, it would cause him to sin against his beloved God, and that grieved him more than anything.”
How often do we really think about how God feels? We get so focused on what we want to do and how we’re feeling that we don’t slow down to ask, “Will this action hurt the one I say I love?”
The English word love has been so abused lately as to lose its true meaning. One biblical definition is that love “does not insist on its own way.” Why? Because it hurts others!
Who cares when we decide to do our own thing? Jesus does. Yes, He is God and is self-sufficient. And yet, He still wept over the loss of a dear friend and the hurt it caused those who loved him. He cried despite knowing He was about to heal that hurt.
Jesus weeps. Let that soak into your thinking the next time you’re tempted to do, say or see something you shouldn’t.
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It’s Still Christmas

mary-and-joe-2I was walking today with the tune “Silent Night” on my lips. It was the last phrase where the Spirit caught my attention. “Jesus, Lord at thy birth.” Jesus was birthed as God and man to live, die and live again forever to bring us freedom. He came into the world in that stinky animal cave so as to relate to people of all stripes and colors. He came and was LORD at birth on Christmas. He still is LORD today and He will remain so long into forever eternity.
We celebrated Jesus’ birth through singing, services, gift giving, family gatherings, etc. this past weekend. Now, let’s remember to celebrate His life through our daily love filled choices to follow Him. Ya know, He still is LORD.
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When Good is Bad

under-blanketsI had a great night’s sleep and just wanted to linger in a bed a little longer. I really sensed the Lord, however, telling me to get out and prayer walk at 7 AM. I ignored that call. Instead, I spent time under those warm covers praying. Then about 8 AM, I finally rolled out of bed and went on that walk.
Even though I was doing a “good thing” that could be backed up by Scripture, it was still disobedience! Why? I was in control doing what I wanted to do. There is a name for this. It’s called religion. Religion keeps the person in control and makes them feel better because they feel they are doing something good. Jesus has nothing to do with religion. He’s about His sheep listening and following Him.
We have an illustration of this in Exodus. After the Tabernacle was built, God’s presence filled it. This could be seen by a cloud by day and fire by night. When that cloud moved, the people were to break camp and follow. When it stopped, they were to stop and make camp. What if they decided to stay in their tent for some prayer time? They would be left behind at best and get lost at worse!
Tozer once said, “One compromise here, one there and the so-called Christian and the man of the world look the same.” What’s best for you and me is not going good, but listening and following our Shepherd.
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Avoid the Holiday Hangover

hangoverChristmas. Food to prepare. Gifts to purchase and wrap. House to clean. Rush, rush, rush to get it all done before the big day. Then it comes. Everyone has a great time with lots of hugs, smiles and positive screams to go around (hopefully from the children!).
Now, the day after is ripe for the emotional hangover. Or, does it? Keep in mind with every high, there usually is a corresponding low, which can lead us to say or do some pretty stupid things. Some of which we’ll regret and have to apologize for later.
Isaiah 26:3 is your perfect holiday hangover remedy when it states, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”
You tend to do and say the right thing when you’re at peace – that all is well feeling. So grab the truth the Spirit gives you and focus on it. Let God’s peace overtake your mind to keep you loving Jesus.
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