Not Defined By Your Choices

mary-and-joeJoseph and Mary were descendants of David from the tribe of Judah, which is south of Jerusalem. Why were they living up north in Nazareth of the tribe Zebulun?
The northern areas of Israel were sparsely populated during the years before Jesus’ birth. The Jewish people kicked the Syrians/Greeks out of Israel during the Maccabean revolt (Chanukah story). Then the Israeli leadership asked people to resettle the north. Joseph and Mary’s parents must have headed that call. God could have chosen a couple living in Bethlehem; but instead chose a couple living in Nazareth to give birth to our Savior.
Then we read that Caesar, for some reason, calls for a census to increase tax revenues, which gets this couple south to Bethlehem. After which Herod wants to kill baby Jesus, a king who threatened Herod’s throne. God countermoved by getting the family to Egypt. Herod dies with his son rising to the throne. Again God countermoved by moving the couple back to Nazareth.
Matthew records that each of the above moves fulfills prophecy. God doesn’t make our choices, but He can overcome them to achieve His purposes. Not everything that happens to the believer is good, but God can make all things turn out for good (Rom. 8:28).
We are responsible for our choices – bad and good. Yet keep in mind this Christmas season, your God is bigger than your choices! True, we suffer less by making right choices. But, never give up on yourself! Neither your good nor your bad choices define you. God does by calling you His child!
Set Free “N”owww

Undeserved Love

cross-and-loveDid you know it’s an act of grace to experience God’s love? In our day and age of entitlement, believers often mistakenly believe they deserve God’s love or that He has to love them. NO HE DOESN’T!
Here’s why. The sin offering was one of the sacrifices made at the Temple. As the final sacrifice, Jesus fulfilled this on the cross. This sacrifice covers unconsciously committed sin. In other words, we’re spitting in God’s face and we don’t even know it!
Think about this for a moment. If you were repeatedly offended by someone, how long would your love last? Be honest. Think divorce rate among US Christians. Would it start to wane the hundredth time? The thousandth time? The millionth time?
We were called children of wrath before coming to faith in Jesus (Eph. 2:3); thus, we deserved punishment and disconnection, not love. We became children of God when we put our faith in Jesus (Jn. 1:12). Even still, we spit in God’s face, not just by our known actions, but through a gazillion other unconscious actions as well.
Who covers both? Jesus. We get, not deserve, God’s love through Jesus dying in our place. We get unconditional love because it was given to us through God’s grace as all our sin – known and otherwise – is covered by Him.
This should make us all a lot more humble, grateful and thankful in experiencing God’s love. And maybe, just maybe, this Christmas season a little more loving toward those hard to love people in line with us?
S“E”t Free Nowww

When You Is Too Much

heart-healthI would have hit a pedestrian if I hadn’t noticed their condition. Someone on the sidewalk was wearing only tennis shoes with short or no socks, short pants and a hooded sweatshirt. I thought, “They’ve got to be freezing. It’s in the 30’s!” (I know. For some this is warm!) Without looking, this person left the sidewalk and stepped into the street. I had the right away, but this person would have lost if I hadn’t been paying attention.
The Lord spoke to me at that moment. Thinking less about you and more about others can be both spiritually and physically healthy. This person was more than likely entirely focused on themselves at that point, which put them in harm’s way. Isn’t this reality? When we get so focused on our challenges, our character flaws, our routines, our to-do lists, our whatever, we put ourselves at risk for further challenges!
If you charted your thought and prayer life, what percentage would be about you? Praying for, thinking about, and doing something for others is not only good for your spiritual health, but for theirs as well (James 5:16).
When you face a challenge – hurried shoppers, pray for others with the same challenge. When you start feeling insecure over some character flaw – getting impatient with long lines, encourage someone else with the same defect. As we begin to pray for others, their lives will be changed/healed. And so will ours!
Set Free Noww“W”

Today Is Now

jesus-i-love-youYou can love Jesus right now. This sounds so cliché, but it’s true. What makes it hard is looking to tomorrow with worry or the past with regret. Both get in the way of listening to Jesus right now and then loving Him through obeying what you know He’s already told you.
My friends, this is what grace is all about. Jesus gives us something we don’t deserve…Him. Don’t let tomorrow’s cares or yesterday’s failures keep you from enjoying Jesus today. Stay in the now and feel the undeserved peace of God.
Set Fre“E” Nowww

Take a Load Off!

restI recently took some vacation time, if you can call it that. I made a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish on the very first day! This is but a small sample of what the Spirit’s changing in me – the ability to rest.
Did you know that there are 21 Hebrews alone for rest? You read that right, 21 different words to convey the idea of not working or taking a load off. You think God is trying to tell us all something here?
Jesus said, “Come to Me all you who labor and I will give you rest.” He makes this statement in the context of two oxen working together. How do work and rest go together? It comes down to why you do what you do. Is it to get something done to feel good about yourself or doing something because Jesus asked you to do it with Him?
You take a load off your shoulders by doing what you do with Him in His power. (He doesn’t need you to do anything for Him – He’s God!) Jesus also said, “My sheep hear My voice and follow Me because they love Me.” A labor of love is a whole lighter than a labor of endless got-to-dos.
Take all the stuff you’re stressing about and tell Jesus He can have them all. Then ask Him, “What’s the one thing You want me to do, right now, with You?” Then focus on exercising that one thing by faith Spirit empowered with each moment.
This brings rest. So, take a load off and simply enjoy your Jesus right now!
Set Fre“E” Nowww