Your Real Focus

imageI heard the most interesting question. “Are you living and praying according to your problems or according to your purpose?” One focuses on the problem. The other is on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of the faith He’s given you.
We are God’s workmanship. This means we have a God-given purpose for existing. Therefore, we have an enemy that will constantly harass us as long as we walk on this planet. As this is true, we can either focus on the harassment or what He has for us, whatever that may be.
Your real focus will be seen in your prayer life or lack of it. Are you trying to muscle through daily living? Or are you in daily contact with Jesus, asking the Spirit for the power to get what He wants done. Only the latter will bring a sense of fulfillment and significance.

The Big Picture

big pictureI was walking across a parking lot today running an errand when it hit me. How is it possible that in the midst of life’s daily tasks Jesus can be forgotten?
It’s possible when you focus on who you are not in Christ, but already are in Christ. It’s possible when you focus on the process of becoming like Jesus rather on the end result itself, Jesus. It’s possible when we get so focused on reaching goals and meeting deadlines that we forget who it’s all for, Jesus.
It’s like the old adage says, “You’re missing the forest through the trees.” The big picture is already accomplished, it’s simply a matter of time. Praise Him today for who He is – God; for what He’s already done – made you perfect; and, for what He will do – bring you to the finish line.
It truly is all about Jesus; today, don’t lose Him in the forest of life.
“S”et Free Nowww

How to not Harangue Yourself

mountain viewEphesians 2:1-3 reveals that we were children of wrath before our faith in Jesus. Because of our sinful state, God was not all lovey-dovey with us. In fact, the reality is that the stench of our lives ticked Him off.
Romans 5:8 states that while this was true, God expressed His love for us by sending Jesus to die for us. Contradiction! Throw out the Bible. It’s untrustworthy. How can we have been both children of wrath and loved by God at the same time? It’s not only not contradictory, but it’s also a most liberating truth.
You and I never deserved His love; and yet, He gave it anyway. He placed tremendous value on someone who had no value whatsoever. There was never anything special about you until He decided to make you special. Remember John 1:12 states that He gave us the right to become children of God through faith and faith alone in Jesus.
Next time you start haranguing yourself over a character flaw that will ultimately be changed, remember your Father thinks much more highly of you than you ever deserve. This should lead to an attitude of gratitude instead of self-debasement, which will get your focus back on Jesus rather than on you and your mistakes. It’s time to soar with Jesus!
“S”et Free No“W”ww

Increase My Faith Already!

faithI was sharing today with my BIG partner about my desire for God to perform the miracle of instantaneous life change. I’m seeing victory, but the falls still, well, hurt. (Can’t find a stronger word at the moment.) I was reminded of what I wrote last time, but I guess I’m just tired of my lack of faith in Jesus.
Then, I read following as I was cleaning out old emails. “God does not condemn you or me for our struggles, but He does want us to fight to live a holy life. I will admit that I’m not sure all temptation is from the devil or is spiritual warfare, either. I think some of this is part of being human and in process of being made holy.”
Part of that process is what the first disciples cried out, “Increase our faith!” And they were not talking about faith in themselves either. During my current struggle, the Lord said to read Matthew 8 about the Centurion’s faith. He saw his servant healed without Jesus even physically coming. He believed in what Jesus could do and it happened. Belief.
I received a letter today. Guess what word was plastered on the front? Believe. I’m asking the Spirit for more faith for myself as well as for you. We both need more of it.
Set Free Now“W”w

Getting Faster

fasterI stated in Monday’s entry, “Just as Jesus is fully God, when we place our faith in Him, we become complete, no longer broken.” (Col. 2:9-10)
We obviously don’t feel complete or whole at the moment even though it’s true. Truth, we don’t have to sin because we have what we need for victory in and because of Christ right now. Reality, we do and will in some area of our life ‘till the day of our home going or Jesus returns (Phil. 1:6). The Spirit is in the process of cleansing the flesh through the retraining our brain.
Thus, progress can be measured in how often we choose Jesus over our drug of choice and/or how fast we turn back to Jesus after choosing it. Because of Jesus and the Spirit, we can choose Jesus. Because of what Jesus did, we can return to Him. Are you making progress in making better choices and/or returning real fast?
Remember, both choices are up to you. Let’s at least get faster at returning!
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