A Quiet Mind

shhA friend of mine once said, “There are times I completely empty my mind.” She would literally clear her mind of garbage thoughts, negative stuff people had said or what was currently coming her way. She was using the FREEdom process to filter out all the junk so she could hear Jesus speak to her.
I want to take that step further. Entertainment devices. Every where I look – people driving their cars, riding their bikes, sitting with friends at a coffee shop, etc. – people are on their phones. It’s like we’ve become addicted to information no matter the app it comes in on.
I too like to make the most of every minute under the guise of being efficient. But am I really? I will take my iPad and read the paper, catch up on emails, browse Facebook, get ahead on work projects almost anywhere. (I’ll let your mind run with where!) But is this good?
Am I afraid of being quiet? Is Jesus that scary that we’re afraid to be alone with Him? May I suggest that we all put down our electronic devices a little more often. Then from your time in the Word, grab a passage and munch on it as you spend time Jesus. Let the savoring thoughts roll over your mind. Our loving God guarantees we’ll find peace as we do.
Set “FREE” Nowww

A Time for Fine Tuning

fine tuneI was driving through a mountain range listening to worship music on the radio when it happened. I heard two radio stations at once on the same frequency! It was quite annoying as I couldn’t really hear either one very well.
What a great example of our need to fine tune our hearing. Scripture tells us that we’ll be blessed if we read it. In fact, I greatly encourage every believer to read through Scripture with the intent of simply hearing Jesus speak to them, not “getting” everything they read. We know the words of this Book come from the mind and heart of Jesus. They are His voice; thus, we can begin to know what His voice sounds like as we read.
Don’t stop there! Here is where the above illustration comes into play. We know our adversary sends false prophets who don’t look bad (those are easy to spot), but look and sound pretty close to Jesus. The Spirit knew this and had Paul write that we are to put the effort into (study) “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). We have to spend time studying the Bible in order to be able to discern between the two competing stations/voices.
Yes, it takes time, but it saves time as well. If you listen and follow the wrong voice, you’ll head down the wrong path. Then, once you listen and respond to the Spirit’s conviction (however long that may take), you’ll have take the time to confess, turn around, get back to your original spot and then start walking again. What a waste of time! A little time goes along way to saving lots of time simply by spending time studying The Book.
S“E”t Free Nowww

A Simple Please

kindnessRetail can be a brutal business for its employees. People demanding. People being rude. You get the picture.
I needed my tires rotated and drove to the place where I bought them. As I came to the counter, the serviceman asked what I needed. I said in a matter of fact way, “I need my tires rotated.” About 3 seconds later, I said, “Please.” I was being serious. I went on to say, “Man, that could have sounded demanding. I bet you get that all day.” You should have seen his face lighten up!
The Lord used one simple word to make this guy’s day. Being kind can change a life for a day and even longer. Where does kindness come from? It’s a fruit of the Spirit, a natural by product of listening to and following Jesus…even at a tire counter!
Make someone’s day or eternity by letting Jesus live through you even in the simplest of ways.
Set Free Now“W”w

Waiting Is Not For Wimps!

waiting 2David wrote in Psalm 59:9, “O my Strength, I will watch for You, for You, O God, are my fortress.” What strikes me is the first part. He’s watching for his strength to show up! He didn’t say the Lord gave him strength at that moment, but David knew his God would strengthen him when it came time to act.
Saul sent men to watch David’s house in order to kill him. While at home, David is telling us that he was at peace – God was his fortress – because he knew his God would strengthen him when it came to hightail it out of there.
Jesus sheep listen to Jesus and then follow when He tells them to act, not before. He tells us the “what” and the “when” to act, at which time the Spirit will strengthen us.
Waiting is hard, but moving before Jesus instructs us to ends in complete failure. Make no mistake, waiting is not for wimps. It takes faith to wait. His timetable, not ours, is always perfect. Wait on Jesus to say, “Go!” and then the strength to go will come.
Set Free Now“W”w

Dead In Its Tracks

stopped in tracksIt was 11:21pm Sunday night. In less than 40 minutes my fast would be over. I tell this not to draw attention to myself, but to the victory experienced.
I thought at that exact moment if I stayed up for another 40 minutes I could eat anything I wanted. Yes, NO! No, I can’t. The fast had nothing to do with eating, but everything with resetting my thinking on a certain issue, which Jesus had done. And this is exactly how long that battle took place, less than two seconds.
I didn’t think about the foods in the refrigerator. Instead, I thought about all the Lord had taught me over the last 40 days. I loved how good I felt letting Jesus remove some stinkin’ thinking. I also loved how the Spirit empowered me to experience victory.
The taste of victory is sweet; so, why go back to the agony of defeat? On a moment’s notice you must rely on the Spirit’s power to stop that stinkin’ thinkin’ in its tracks. Let Jesus renew your mind and you’ll experience victory as well. It’s POSSIBLE, because HE is faithful.
Set Free Now“W”w