Life Changers

cup of cold waterWe live in a broken world where broken people make broken-like choices. Those choices will affect you and me, sometimes on a daily basis.
You can’t control what others do to you, only what you do to others. How does Jesus want you to respond to those with whom you come into contact? Secure children of God, who are also salt and light, can change the broken culture in which they live one choice at a time by following Jesus.
Let’s make a difference in our world as all lives matter to Jesus.
“S”et Free Nowww

Walk Through Discomfort

kayakA week ago I got our apple and pear trees ready to head into their fruit bearing season. The next day I showed the love of Jesus at a citywide event, which was followed by an afternoon of swimming and enjoying conversation and a wonderful meal with my family, followed by an early morning surf time with my son. And if that wasn’t enough, two days later, I was introduced to kayaking by a friend!
I would have missed it all had I stayed home. I ‘suffer’ (please take the word lightly considering what our brothers and sisters are facing for their faith) from an arthritic shoulder. Some days are better than others, but I’m uncomfortable most days. I could let that discomfort discourage me to the point of discontinuing life; or, through the Spirit’s power, I can work through that discomfort and be encouraged by Jesus to keep on experiencing the life He gives.
Daily living is not always comfortable, but a life of adventure and wonder await those who walk through their discomfort in the Spirit’s power to enjoy an enjoyable conversation and an awesome meal with Jesus.
Set Free Now“W”w


choices 5“It’s funny how one little decision…yes or no…can alter your entire life” was the opening line of a Jesus story. One momentous decision came when he was nineteen.
His plan was to go into either politics or law. And yet, during a mandatory public speaking class, he was challenged to audition for a college play. At the audition, he listened to the head noise, “You’re kidding yourself. You’re going to embarrass yourself!” and high tailed it out of there.
While sitting a coffee shop he heard, “If you back out because you’re afraid of not getting cast, then you’re a coward.” He went back. Auditioned. Got the part, which lead him down a path to Christ. One decision changed the course of his life.
It can do the same for you. I’ve heard it said, “Blessing is on the other side of obedience.” Many listen to Jesus in the Sunday message, but do nothing with it. Many listen to Jesus in devotionals, but leave the words on the page. Many hear Jesus’ voice through the pages of Scripture, but do nothing with them.
Hearing from Jesus is only half the equation. Following them by faith Spirit empowered is the other. One decision can change your life. Choose to follow what Jesus said to do today. Your life will never be the same again.
Set Fre“E” Nowww

Today is the Day to Appreciate

appreciateToday in America, hopefully all her citizens are celebrating and appreciating the freedoms that were hard won.
As believers, today and every day should be a day to celebrate and appreciate the freedoms Jesus won and gave to us the moment we placed our faith in Him. Yet, are we always thinking about what we want rather than what we have, right here, right now?
Always thinking about tomorrow can hinder us from enjoying the life Jesus  gave us Jesus today. This focus on tomorrow can lead to all kinds of bad choices as we tend to forget who we are and what we have in Christ right now.
Stay focus on Jesus today. Let Him bring what may tomorrow because He is a good God who “rewards those who seek Him.”
S“E”t Free Nowww

Failure Not an Option – Learning Is

failure“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:6) The moment you became a secure child of God, the Father has been working to replace your character with Jesus’. This reclamation project will one day be finished, but not today.
Therefore, life will have its low moments of failure. Our obedience will not always be perfect. Here’s a word of encouragement and exhortation, however. We can either learn from our failures or repeat them, which is our choice this side of heaven, not whether we will experience them. And unless we learn from them, we will become them.
We are secure children of God that is who we are. We are not failures. Having said that, if we don’t learn from our failures, they will become part of our character that the Father will have to continue to hammer away at.
Let’s pray for each other. We know failures will occur. Pray that they are far and few between because we’re learning from them how to hear and follow Jesus closer the next time.
“S”et Free Noww“W”